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Jim shook the staff in his hands a few times, frowning at it. He snorted through his nose again a few times, looking to Claire for help. Beside him, she merely shrugged, unsure what to really do with the magical object either. The Trollhunter huffed again and turned his head to the amused wizard standing off to the side. Merlin chuckled a few times at their feeble attempts to get it working.

"Very funny, Merlin," Jim growled, holding the staff back out to him. "You know I don't know how to work the spell."

Claire nodded and crossed her arms. "And I don't know it yet because you haven't taught it to me yet. If you did, it would make this process much faster and easier," she added with a tease in her voice.

The magician shook his head at the two of them and took his staff back. "As I have already told you, fair maiden, you require a staff before I can teach you most spells. Makes the process easier on both of us." He slid his fingers across the cold metal, gazing at it for a moment.

"Alright, alright," she sighed with a pout.

Jim raised an eyebrow at her before turning his head back to Merlin. "Look, we'll find you a staff in a bit, I promise. What does that have to do with you activating the spell?" he asked the man in frustration.

Merlin chuckled again, raising his staff and pointing it in front of the sitting Trollhunter. "I suppose nothing." He spoke a few more words, none either of them knew, and soon a swirling green sphere began to flicker in front of them.

The two teens brightened and scooched a little closer, smiling with anticipation. The spell turned a little lighter green, a lime color, before it sparked a few times. Both of them blinked a few times, but immediately brightened when they saw the image beginning to clear. Merlin watched the spell for a few moments before turning to leave them to their chat.

"Tobes!!" cried the Trollhunter as he saw his best friend turn his head to the vortex in surprise.

"Jim!" the boy called back happily, turning all the way around from where he was standing in the outdoors. "Wingman, look, look, it's them!" he called, waving the huge troll over. Soon, AAARRRGH had joined his friend's side, beaming cheerfully when he saw Jim and Claire.

"Hi, Troll Jim!" he said with a deep chuckle, his face bright and happy. "Hello, Claire!"

The girl giggled and waved her hand a few times, leaning on her boyfriend to get a better look. "Hey, AAARRRGH. Hey, TP! It's good to see you guys."

"Sorry Blinky isn't here," Jim apologized, though he was still smiling. "He's busy gathering up the other trolls before we head out for the day again." He gestured with his head to the forest behind him.

AAARRRGH looked a little saddened, but nodded his head. Toby did, too, though his expression turned slightly thoughtful. "Man, it's kinda hard to believe it's only been a week since you left."

"I know, it feels like it's been a lot longer," Jim said with a laugh. "These guys make it seem like they've been walking for months!"

The group of friends laughed a few times. "Well, it's good to hear that you're doing well over there," Toby said.

Jim cocked him a sideways grin. "What are you talking about, Tobes? We call every day!"

"Not that we don't miss you terribly," Claire added with a chuckle.

Toby beamed, shrugging his shoulders. "I know, but we don't really see each other, so I just like knowing you're okay." AAARRRGH grunted and nodded his friend beside his friend.

The two teens exchanged a look, both smiling when they turned back to the vortex screen. "Well, thanks, TP. Hey, is Darcy with you?" Claire asked brightly.

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