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Hi I'm Chloe! I know it's totally boring to read intros and shit like that but hey, if you want to know what we're like then these things are important. Yup so important, note the sarcasm. Okay I have 3 bestfriends, and I need to choose the 1 of the 3 to do first...

*5 minutes later*

Okay I've chosen who to tell you about. First off, Hannah Spectrum. You can make fun of her name later, but right now we have work to do. Hannah is the lead singer of my band, yes my band, Rainbow is Just Another Word For Devils. She is perfect, hot, and totally available. I would go for her but, one: love isn't real, two: she's straight. FUCK THE STRAIGHT PEOPLE! No, no just kidding. I promise. Anyways, Hannah has pink hair, mid-back, has 4 piercings on her lips, she is really popular (more popular than me, and I'm punk, Which is weird because I thought punk girls where out of style these days.), she is always going out with someone, but she is really for Kellin Quinn. She's in 'Love' with him. Okay, I've said too much.

Okay 2 more people to go. This ones easy, Johnnie Walters. You may think of Johnnie Guilbert, I know him too, but Johnnie and Johnnie are totally different. Johnnie G does YouTube. Johnnie W plays bass guitar in my band! Okay, there is basically nothing different about both Johnnie's. Both of them are funny, talented, hot, and idiots. Sometimes even boring. Which is weird because once again, they are both idiots. Johnnie is the only boy in our band. Oh Johnnie and I aren't completely a 'thing' either. I choose not to get too comfortable.we may kiss, and there's always sparks, but we have our reasons. Johnnie has a crazy ex-girlfriend and he avoids her by flirting with me, and kissing me. Nothing more. He is my best friend. A perfect friendship would be ruined. I've said too much.

Last on my list, Eddie Fredric. I call him Boog, because he reminds me of Open Season. I think he's more a bear than a deer so he's, Boog. Boog is the guitarist of my band. Boog also is antisocial. He has Claustrophobia, Dyslexia, and has a Panic disorder. He's pretty normal considering he knows how to read really well. Boog is pretty hot. He doesn't talk to me much so I don't really bother him. He's a better friend than both of the other assholes. I think Boog is pretty amazing, though. He's been my longest friend, believe it or not. That's all you need to know.

Now Last but not least, me! I'm Chloe McAdams. I am the drummer and back up vocals for my band. I scream too. I don't fall in love. At all. I'm not a picky eater. I have a lot of favorite bands but I'm only going to name 3 Bring Me The Horizon, Of Mice&Men, and Sleeping With Sirens. Urgh.. I've lost someone one time, And I don't believe in love now. I'm not perfect. At all. Okay I don't know what else to tell you.. So I guess the intro is done. Bye people?

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