Chapter 2

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Hey guys! That is Johnnie in the picture. Love you enjoy!

He was all I wanted.

No one else.

I don't need anyone either.

I'm perfect..

And Hannah can't Change that... Neither can he.

I finished getting ready, and went to the studio. My producer, Damon, looked worried so I simple smiled.

"G'day, mate!" I said pretending to be cheerful. I hate this stupid act.

"Morning, love" he said catching my fakeness. I smiled to try to reassure him that I was fine but he didn't buy it.

"Chloe, sit down we need to talk." Damon said.

"NO! I will never ever talk to someone about my feelings ever again unless it was Ian! Back off of me Damon! I came here to record a drum solo not tell you my fucking feelings! Sorry but I just don't work that way!" I yelled. With that I walked into the small glass room leaving Damon completely speechless. I slipped my sound proof headphones on and played my solo. I walked out of the room to see Austin Carlile, my most best friend out all of my friends. My eyes lit up with excitement.

"AUSTIN!" I said and hugged him very tightly. I let go to see a boy about my age, which is 17 by the way, beside him starting at me weirdly.

"Umm do you have a staring problem?" I asked. The boy examined me closely. The broth this eyes to meet mine.

"No actually. So um don't be a bitch because you barely know me." The hoy shot back. I smirked and turned to Austin pulling him away into a corner.

"Who is... He?" I asked glaring at him.

"I just adopted him." Austin said. I lived with Austin and so did Hannah. He's been on tour a while so when I saw him I was happy... No more than happy!

"WHAT!?!" I yelled drawing the boys attention towards me. I blushed and waved. Damn feelings.

"Yeah, Hannah didn't tell you?" He asked quietly. I shook my head.

"Yes he is going to live with us. So be nice or else I'll fuck you up." Austin said. I nodded.

"What is his, I don't know, NAME?" I yelled again and mentally slapped myself.

"Dillon..." The boy named Dillon said. He.. Is cute.

"Okay, you have to live with me so lets start over. Deal?" I said and he shook his head.

"Hi, I'm Chloe McAdams and I'm 17 years old. What's your name?" I said smirking and chuckling to myself. I shook his Hand and a spark went up my arm. I got butterflies. This is makin me posed because I used to do this with.. Ian.

"Hi Chloe, I'm Dillon... Carlile?" He looked at Austin. Clearly he doesn't pay attention to the band members because he has a OM&M te-shirt on... Austin nodded. I nodded as well.

"I'm Dillon Carlile and my birthday is 2 weeks from now and then I'll be 18." He said. Damn he's older than me.. And... HIS BIRTHDAY IS ON HALLOWEEN! Yaaaay! Wait he said 2 weeks from now... DAMN.

"Oh, okay, Austin I'm going home." I told Austin. I walked away And was almost out the door until Austin stopped me.

"Take Dillon too please!" Austin said. I turned around and glared.

"Fine. Follow me Dillon." I said hatefully.

This is going to be horrible.

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