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A light rainstorm had started to pour down overhead, appearing out of nowhere like April showers usually do. The city was used to such downpours during this season, and so were its citizens. The rich smell of petrichor permeated the air and raindrops gathered in little puddles on the cobblestone streets.

Benjamin hardly paused to glance at his surroundings as he hurried towards his destination. A little rain was not going to deter him from his call of duty. So he walked on through the damp streets, passing by equally drenched strangers.

By the time he reached the convent, his coat and hat were soaked. But this did not faze him. What mattered most was seeing Emilia. Since he had not performed any treatments on her yesterday, it was imperative he did so right away. He would hate for her condition to worsen. Especially since the disease was not so advanced as before.

Benjamin paused in the rain to collect himself. Yesterday, he had been unhinged, he had been driven by emotion. He had been negligent. If he had not been so preoccupied up with his thoughts, he could have done what he was supposed to do. And now, he feared his inaction might have severe consequences for Emilia.

Benjamin's boots squelched across the slick stones as he rushed up to the convent doors. His gloved fist met wood, giving an impatient knock. The man was in such a hurry he had forgotten to place his bird-like mask on, something he never failed to do before entering.

The door eased open, revealing the vacant face of the prioress. "Hello, doctor."

"Hello. May I come in?" he asked, removing his dripping hat and holding it in his hands.

"What for?" She narrowed her gray eyes, but her face remained unchanged.

He blinked, having to make sure he heard correctly. "For Emilia. I am still treating her."

"Sister Emilia is no longer here with us." She started to close the door.

"What?" Benjamin drew closer to the crack. "Is–Is she alright? Where did she go?"

"Wherever her kind goes," the woman simply replied before slamming the door.

"What–What is that supposed to mean?" he demanded, banging on the door. "Open this door this instant!"

But the door remained shut tight, never to be opened to him again.

With nothing more to do, Benjamin turned his sodden self around and splashed back to his surgery. The prioress's words echoed through his mind even though the convent grew smaller and smaller behind him. A knot started to form inside his bowels as he walked down the city streets.

The prioress had spoken with such disdain. As though Emilia were nothing more than garbage.

Than a whore.

Benjamin came to a halt and the world paused along with him. How could he not have figured it out sooner? There would be only one reason for Emilia to be thrown out of the convent.

But how had the nuns found out about Nathaniel? He had not told a soul.

Unless someone had overheard.

"Walls have ears," he told himself. "Especially those walls."

A wagon sped by him, setting the world in motion once more but Benjamin did not even flinch. He needed information and he knew exactly where to find it.

He turned on his heel, heading for the area of town where he could information on anyone.

For the right price, of course.


Their residence was no longer an apartment, but a small townhouse like the rest that lined the streets. He looked for any sign or indication that the Eldridges lived here, but he could find none. He would have to knock to know for certain.

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