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"Three bodies were discovered this morning in what police are calling one of the most gruesome and brutal murder scenes they have ever seen. Renowned surgeon, James Sinclair, along with his wife and son, were found dead in their upper east end home."

Fiddling with the sleeves of his costume, Nathaniel had scarcely been paying attention to the reporter on TV until he heard the familiar name. He froze in the middle of the room, his body starting to shake as he listened to the rest of the report.

"Oh my God... Oh my God." He tried to steady himself against the wall.

He reached for the nearby phone and dialed a number. Beads of sweat gathered on his temple and his skin had grown whiter than a sheet.

"Damn it!" Nathaniel cursed when whoever he attempted to call didn't pick up and he was forced to hang up.

Just as he placed the phone back on the receiver, a loud knock at the door startled him.

"Emilia!" He rushed to the door and yanked it open, only to find no one standing on the other side. The smile on his face fell instantly, replaced by another tense frown.

He peered out the door and was greeted by the sound of leaves rustling on the ground and the faint glow of the lamppost across the street.

There was a crunch from somewhere to the left of him, right as a crow in a nearby tree cawed. Clearly shaken, Nathaniel disappeared into his townhouse and shut the door.

"Stupid pranksters," he muttered to himself.

The phone suddenly rang and for what was like the third time in five minutes, Nathaniel nearly jumped out of his skin.

As he went for the phone, the door swung open, and in stepped the plague doctor, his green eyes gleaming.

Nathaniel immediately spun around, only to be struck across the face with a heavy cane. He fell to the carpet with a sickening groan. Blood poured from his nose and down the rest of his face, staining his elaborate white costume.

The blow was not enough to knock him unconscious, and he attempted to get back up, clutching his bleeding face. He attempted to say something as he staggered to his feet, but it sounded like gibberish. Maybe Benjamin knocked some of his teeth out as well.

Nathaniel looked up at the plague doctor towering over him with an expression that could only be described as terror mixed with confusion.

"Please," he begged. "Don't do this..."

Although he couldn't see it because of the mask, Benjamin's mouth twitched into a smile. He really had saved the best kill for last.

This sadistic glee must have reflected in Benjamin's eyes because Nathaniel's shoulders slumped when he realized begging would not save him.

He attempted to run, but the plague doctor would not allow that. Gripping the cane firmly, he gave an even harder swing to the back of Nathaniel's skull.

Nathaniel did not get back up this time.

While Benjamin wished he could've tortured him a little longer, seeing as how Nathaniel had been the bane of his many existences, he knew Halloween night was quickly drawing to a close.

And he still had to pay a visit to his favorite patient.

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