Phase 3 - Fake tears and Fire alarms

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We are so going to get caught. I thought while we stood outside the Grand Hotel with Sammy, Not that I’d ever call her that. We looked at each other and Sam walked into the lobby ready to start our plan. I chilled outside walking around, not looking suspicious at all.

I leant against a wall pretending I was waiting for someone. I checked my phone repeatedly like I was checking the time but really I was checking for a call from Sam. I felt like everyone was staring at me because of what we were going to do.

I waited for a couple of minutes until my phone vibrated, letting me know I could go in to the Grand Hotel now. I walked straight into the lobby and headed straight for the elevator. I saw Sam a couple of steps in front of me. She stepped into the elevator and we pretended like we didn’t know each other.

We rode the elevator straight to the top floor where we went our separate ways. I headed straight for the change rooms and security which was weird because who the hell has change rooms on the top floor. There was a door that separated the change rooms from the hotel rooms so there would be no accidental bump in’s with famous people.

I walked up to the door and used my phone to decode the number combination - something the IT guys taught me at work which is really useful. It took one minute to figure out the code but when it finally figured it out I typed it in and the door clicked unlocked.

The security guy had just gone on his break so the room was clear for now. I sat down at the desk and immediately got to work erasing the footage of me walking into the room. It took me a little while and I had to get a hand from the guys at work to help me put the security cameras on loop so they couldn’t see us walking around. I set the timer for 10 minutes then walked into the change rooms where I found a uniform with the name badge Katherine stuck to the shirt which was convenient. I dressed quickly pulling off my summer dress over my head and pulling on the uniform.


I stepped into the hallway and immediately started patrolling the hallway watching out for 5 Seconds of Summer in case they came back. I pace down the hall way, on my way back towards the change rooms I saw 5 Seconds of Summer walking out of the elevator. I kept my head down and kept walking on knowing that I had to get a text to Sam.

I walked past them making sure they didn’t see my face. I got behind them and I only had a couple of meters until I got to the door where I could hide.

“Hey!” I heard Ashton exclaim behind me but I had already typed my code for the door in and was in the door before he had a chance to say anything else.

I sent a text to Sam saying: ‘Sam, they’re in the hallway! There is no way you can get out!’

I quickly got out of the uniform and slipped my dress back over my head. I made my way out of the change room and headed to the elevator. I knew Sam was stuck in the room and I had to think of something to get everyone’s attention so I headed straight for the fire alarm. I pulled it quickly and all the power in the building went off, the fire lights turned on and the alarm started blaring loudly. I headed for the stairs knowing that the elevator would be shut down.

I realised that I had to fit in with the job so I decided to bang on a few doors just so I had an explanation for being on this level. I banged on the doors yelling for people to evacuate the building. I got to the last door and had barely knocked on the door when it opened and I was shocked to suddenly become face to face with Ashton Irwin.

“Shit!” I muttered.

“Pardon?” He said and I smiled.

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