spicy little thing

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Erik had tugged off the blue plastic glove so he could feel. The fingertips of his right hand strolled down the smooth winding curves of her twists which started with a deep natural off black near the root and faded into a warm and inviting chestnut. This hair was meant to play in and the way it coiled.. It was teasing him.

"You're not shy, but your hair is," he chuckled watching it curve and curl around and away from his finger. He could do this all day.

"Maybe it doesn't like you," she muttered. The thought hadn't crossed his mind.

Now he was irritated that she'd made him think of something like that. He was tempted to grab her hair in his fist and pull it out in a hard tug. It would take a few pulls. He could picture in his mind putting his entire weight into pulling just for bits of her scalp to come with it. That wasn't at all what he wanted.

Blinking, he was able to transport himself back into the happy place he was in before she'd ruined it with her unnecessary comment. He felt his entire body relax and he exhaled and closed his eyes, moving his head side to side to stretch his neck.

His fingers continued gently through her hair.

From chestnut, the smooth twists faded yet again to a sandy summer blonde. It wasn't Becky blonde, which he appreciated. It was a natural, soft blonde that remained in the brown family.

"Usually, styles like this.. have extensions.. but I can't find an indication that you're wearing any." His fingers couldn't find a knot, but it was too pretty to unravel just to see if he'd have a hand full of unattached hair.

"I like this," he murmured, lost in the softness of her twists. The texture was smooth, the strands held a slight dull sheen, and it was curly yet kinky. It was perfect.

He put his nose to it and it smelled like sweet blueberries. His eyelids fluttered shut as he inhaled deeply, breathing out in ecstasy. He wanted to eat her hair, but he knew that would be completely impractical.

"Mm.. That's fuckin good. What you use on this," he asked, both hands in her hair squeezing and slightly pulling. "Smell good as shit.."

He waited for her response getting nothing. He hated to let go of her soft and squishy twists just to get a response. So he didn't. He pulled harder.

"I didn't catch that. What products did you use on this?"

She sighed, "Curls Control Jelly."

"And that's what makes it smell like blueberry?"

Again she sighed, this time moving her head. "Well on the fuckin label it say Blueberry Bliss so I'd assume that would make it smell like blueberries.. but I'm no rocket scientist."

"You kinda zesty," he chuckled finding her humor intriguing. "I like my women a little feisty."

"Oh I definitely ain't your woman. You done fucked that up." Her head shook lightly as she spoke. It was the only real way she could express her attitude since everything else was tied. He walked around to her right side to face her head on. He wanted the full impact of what she was saying. She had attitude written clearly on her sweet features.

"Spicy little thing.. Yeah, I like that," he grinned watching her top lip curl in a mild snarl. "That's sexy. Keep it up."

Her eyes rolled as she looked away, out the thick plexiglass window ahead.

He was mildly disappointed. All that just to check out. He liked her fire.

"You done already? No 'fuck you'? I thought I'd at least get a 'go to hell'."

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