he'll be here

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When Ivy's eyes opened, she felt delirious. Wake up, she commanded of herself, green eyes flashing over the monochromatic room she'd been confined to. How long had she been trapped there in that room? Her legs were tingling painfully from having been tied for so long. How long had she been asleep? Her mouth felt dry and on top of that, she had to piss furiously.

Hesitantly looking down, she couldn't miss the mess of her thigh and she recoiled inwardly, disgusted by herself. He was right, she did know what this "picture" was.

"I hate him so much," she whispered, vibrating in anger. Of course his self-important psychopathic ass would literally carve his own self portrait onto into another person's body. If her mouth weren't so dry, she'd puke. She needed him dead sooner than later. This could not be forgiven. Never.

The door behind her unlocked and the dentist came to her side, picking up the spray bottle and the black towel. He sprayed her thigh down and it seemed to be regular water. He then patted the area dry before producing a jar of medicated rub which he rubbed over her wounds with his bare hands.

Her blood stained shredded capris were unsalvageable, but ruined pants were the least of her concerns. She mentally did a run down of her body to see what had changed while she was sleeping. For all she knew he could've shaved her head and kept the twists to sniff and play with like a pervert. He did seem like the type to get hard off of that weird shit. No, still there. She felt them swing when she moved her head.

"Gotdamn," she groaned wriggling in the ropes hoping that maybe, just maybe, they'd loosened. "God if you get me out of here I won't watch no more insertion porn, hentai, or orgies. I won't have sex with anyone I'm not dating. I'll tithes to mama's church and I'll even fast on Easter just please.. please get me out of here," she whispered feeling as though she would go crazy cramped in the same position. How long had it been?

"God ain't listening to you," he scoffed, seemingly amused.

"I've got to pee. Badly. I'm too serious." Her thighs pressed together.

I swear if he don't let me get up to go to the toilet and I mess around pee on this couch, I don't care what happens.. I'm biting his nose clean off.

"Fuck it," he spit dropping everything to walk out. A minute later, he appeared wielding a giant kitchen knife that looked to be sharpened to an evil degree. The look in his eye was sinister and said he was sick of her shit. She held her breath preparing to finally die as his knife wedged between her body/clothes and the rope, roughly pulling up to saw through the red. They were tight and pressing into her before they all went slack. Before her legs could be deemed functional, she was pulled from the chaise, snatched up by her elbow into a hobbling stance.

"Try something and I can't promise the safety your mother," he blurted tossing the red ropes back onto the chaise.

Her leg gave and he pulled her back up.

Damn. What do I do now. I can't leave her, Ivy thought, troubled. She couldn't abandon her mother although Ms. Renee would probably tell her to run the first chance she got. Come to think of it, it was exactly what she'd say..

"Walk to the door.... Now move."

Once Dr. Stevens unlocked the door, Ivy walked ahead of him as he instructed. From the living room to the hall to the bathroom. She truly had to go and figured the exit was locked as well.

Where is my mother locked away in this place?

He stood back as Ivy went into the bathroom, closing the door behind herself. Getting down to the toilet hurt because of her thigh and her legs still felt like Bambi legs.

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