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Ivy sat in the cold Patient First having been screened for drugs via a urine test. She'd have to wait 24 to 72 hours in order to get her results. For the first time, she hoped they came back positive.

"You gone thank me," her mama, Renee', said raising from her seat in front of the high-fixed television. It was set to HGTV and on commercial break.

"Mhm," Ivy mumbled. She hadn't wanted to go the legal route after she'd seen Dr. Stevens sidestep getting arrested and realized that the cards were truly stacked against her. She wanted to make sure that Dr. Stevens truly understood not to fuck with her. He didn't seem to get that yet, but he would.

Ivy led the way through both sets of glass doors as she exited into the high heat to her silver Nissan, climbing into the driver's seat and leaving her door open to start the car and turn on the A/C. Her black seat cover helped her from burning her ass on the leather.

"Why is it still so hot out here, oh my godd," Ivy stressed. It was getting darker but the heat had not yet subsided. She was so tired of summer. The air was hot and thick, enough to drain a person, but her mom was truly from the south and hopped right into the passenger side closing the door, waiting for the A/C to circulate.

"It ain't that hot. Yesterday was hot. Close the door, Ivy, you letting the cool air out."

Ivy's arms were rested on the wheel, but she moved, dragging to shut the door.

"Ma, I'm so mad. I can't believe that nigga still allowed to practice after what he did. I can't be the only one who knows this man is a psycho." Sighing, she pulled out of the lot.

Renee' didn't respond right away, tapping on her phone. She was always on the phone with someone. If it wasn't her brother in Florida asking for money, it was someone at her church wanting to talk or someone her job who wanted her to cook or come somewhere with them. Renee' was the type to always be there for everyone even though she didn't get anything back.

The car whipped down the road towards the Ruby Tuesdays with Ivy lost in her thoughts. She didn't feel comfortable staying alone which is why she'd packed a bag and gotten escorted to her mom's place. Of course her mom wanted to whoop ass. She all but chased Officer Howard off of her property. Ivy shook her head. She agreed with her mama, Officer Howard was a disgrace to black women and she too hoped she fell in a deep ditch and broke her ankle.

"What," Renee' asked. Ivy looked over before shaking her head again

"Nothing." She hadn't realized she was smiling. It made her feel justified having her mama on her side.

"Lord, if I knew it'd be some shit I'd have kept you in Florida," Renee' sighed, tapping on her phone. "I thought moving out here to Cali would've been an upgrade."

"It was. It's not your fault people are crazy, just a bad situation. I still can't believe that bitch ain't believe me. That's why I hate the cops."

"Child, if they ain't murdering somebody, they ain't doing shit and there's no in between."

The conversation continued and when the car pulled up at Ruby Tuesdays, Ivy hopped out and led the way inside getting a booth for two.

"I've got your drinks, do you need time to look over the menu," the black waitress asked.

"We're ready to order. I'll take the ribs and crispy shrimp with dirty rice and mashed potatoes."

"Uh uh, lil girl! Get a vegetable!" Renee' peared over her glasses. Ivy ignored her, listening as she ordered the bourbon chicken with a sweet tea and no vegetables.

"You guys look just alike," the waitress paused with a smile.

"My daughter," Renee' clarified. Ivy had gotten her eyes and her height from her, but honestly her brother was the one who looked most like her mama. The two of them had the same face, his eyes were just hazel instead. Plus, he was taller.

"So how you came across this fool? When did all this really start?"

"Mama I don't know. That was the first time I'd ever seen him as far as I know, when I went in for my appointment. He had my information before then but that was it. I'd only spoken with his receptionist. I don't know when or how or why he picked me as a target. That's all I know."

Renee' stared as if Ivy wasn't sharing everything, but shared what she knew. Ivy wished she had the answers, but she didn't know what the dentist was playing at or if it was over. The ones who were supposed to help wouldn't believe her. According to Officer Howard, she even needed evidence for a restraining order. She didn't have it.

What she did have was a brain, two hands which knew how to swing, and a gun that she kept in the trunk. If it came down to it, she'd shoot his ass without blinking or thinking twice. She knew her mom would do the same.


Erik stepped from his home shower onto a white shower mat that turned blood red wherever water hit it. Right now it looked like there were two bloody footprints surrounded my droplets of blood. He loved that mat.

Wrapping his waist in a fluffy white towel, he looked himself over in the mirror grabbing his oil which sat under the sink on a gold colored tray next to a pristine metal pick and a bottle of Mane N' Tail Conditioner. A little castor oil on his beard, hairline, and mustache and he was looking good and well-kept. Putting the oil back where he took it from, he adjusted it do that the Sunny Isle label faced forward. He was very particular about his belongings.

He picked up his iPhone from the sink scrolling to and opening a little blue app called iSpy. Luckily, Ivy hadn't picked up on that fact that he'd installed it onto her phone or he may have been in a bit of trouble. The advertisements bragged on the app being undetectable. No matter how much Ivy searched through her device, she should never be able to find an indication of the app being there. Only he would know what he'd done and he'd have access to her 24/7.

Scrolling through the report of Ivy's past locations, he felt a sense of giddy mischief, smiling faintly as he bit on his thumb nail. He saw the address of his office and a photo of the outside. She'd been outside while the officer was questioning him, he already was aware. Ivy had also gone home. Her address was there along with a photo of her neighborhood. He'd driven by there once or twice before she'd come in for her appointment, but of course she didn't know that. He looked to see where else she'd been.

Her mother's house. He sighed. He'd never been there. She kept involving more and more people. First the cops, now her mother. She was going to force his hand, he knew it and he was so, so intrigued.

"Trying to avoid me," he mused aloud. "Won't work."

He scrolled down and saw a gas station and Patient First.

"SHIT," he yelled exiting the app. He had to call Araya. Quickly his fingers dialed her cell phone number listening intently as the phone rang twice. "Araya," he spoke when the line picked up.

"Dr. Stevens," she purred. "You don't typically call at this time unless you're looking for a little post-work fun or someone to do your dirty work," she spoke slyly. He could hear the smirk in her voice. She was going to need some tuning to put her back in her place.  "Which is it, doctor?"

"If you want a job tomorrow, you'll cut the shit and go to the address I'm sending you. My latest toy decided to get smart. I'm sure you can put two and two together. Make sure that test gets lost quickly I'll make it worth your while."

"What ya gonna gimme," she toyed.
This wasn't the time for her to go against him or play games.

"Your life.. I'll let you keep it despite the fact that I told you to watch her and you-"

"-Are in front of Patient First. As. We. Speak,"  Aren't we, Draya?"

"Hey boss," Draya spoke.

"Remember who the hell you're dealing with, Erik," Araya said boldly causing Erik's eyes to narrow. She was laying it on thick and if it were a different circumstance, he'd be extremely turned on. "I'm your number one bitch and you'd better not forget it."

The line went dead and he stared blankly at the phone.

"Hm," he mumbled dropping his towel. The bathroom was warm enough. Phone in his palm, he swiped through his apps with his middle finger, tapping iSpy. He could see that Ivy had left a Ruby Tuesdays somewhere close to her mother's home. It wasn't hard to guess where she'd be staying.

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