⇢ ch. 7

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Your POV

When you wake up on your first day off, you don't know what to do with yourself. You're in awe that you were given a whole week off.

You glance at your clock to see that's 11:30 AM.

You check your phone to see if anyone needs your dire attention.

You see that you have a message from Hongjoong, making your stomach drop. You're nervous that something is wrong.

You wonder if it's weird that your boss messaged you, but you brush it off

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You wonder if it's weird that your boss messaged you, but you brush it off. This is not the first time you've exchanged messages with him outside of work.

But the times you have, it's been work related. You're always nervous when he texts you outside of work though. You always become concerned, think something is wrong.

But time and time again, you're proved wrong.

You also find the message to be touching, and your heart swells in happiness that he thought of you.

You think about why you're feeling this way.

Do you have feelings for your boss?

That can't be though. That thought shouldn't have even crossed your mind. You're in a relationship.

You're still nervous when you're around him. You still want to impress him because he's your boss, so you don't want to mess up.

You're human though, so you do make mistakes. It shouldn't be a big deal. But you don't want to be fired. You don't want to be yelled at.

But when you do make mistakes, Hongjoong doesn't chastise you.

Rather, he makes you feel comfortable. It's comforting that he's always so understanding. So patient with you.

You find him to be incredibly hardworking and kind as well. You love his smile and laugh, and how his smile always reaches his eyes.

He genuinely makes the work environment comfortable.

You realize that you're smiling as you're daydreaming about him.

You wonder if there's even a slight possibility that he likes you.

What was the reasoning behind him tucking your hair behind your ear last night? Perhaps he likes you, and that is the reasoning behind the good morning text as well?

Wait, is he secretly a psychopath, sending his employee a good morning text?

You become panicked.

You then rationalize with yourself - you've become close over the last couple of weeks. Maybe this showcases that he cares about his employees.


Hongjoong's POV

Was sending [Y/N] a text too much? Does she now know my feelings for them? Do I even know my feelings for them to begin with?

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