vingt-trois | twenty three

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»Toute ma vie, j'ai prié pour quelqu'un comme toi«

»All my life, I prayed for someone like you«

»All my life, I prayed for someone like you«

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April 8th, 2019

"Mommy, are you sure this wedding is what you want?" Olivia asked me as she and Diane helped me shop for wedding dresses.

"Of course it is, what makes you think I'd have second thoughts?" I asked her back, keeping my attention on the dresses. Currently, DeVanté is out with our sons, Donald and Julien, to shop for tuxedos. I wanted to wear my old wedding dress that I stored in the back of my closet, but DeVanté wanted us to start fresh with our lives. I didn't argue, shit, I'm going to be fifty years old in a year. I don't really give a fuck how the dress looks at this point.

"Well, don't you find it weird that daddy just out of the blue proposed to you? Like, straight up broke into your house suddenly?" Olivia questioned.

"No, I don't. And you shouldn't either, Olivia." I scoffed at her. She raised her hands in self-defense and went back to looking at dresses. I sighed and apologized for snapping at her. I got angry at her for questioning my relationship with her own father. What's up with everyone being so damn suspicious? The only person not questioning it is Diane. Well, of course she isn't. She's the one who gave the nigga a key to my house.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you, Olivia. I just hate when I'm questioned about someone I love."

"It's okay mommy, let's just look for more options, because this side of the shop, ain't it." Olivia giggled.


"How about this one?" I asked, stepping out of the dressing room for the eighth time in a row. Diane and Olivia quietly looked between each other and shook their heads 'no'. I quickly became irritated at their picky decisions. Why am I asking for their advice when I'm a grown ass woman? Shit, I'm a whole grandmother. "Y'all can't be fucking serious. This dress is elegant as fuck, while also having a bit of class and sex appeal!"

"Yes, that is true, and that's the problem. Dad won't be able to look into your eyes the entire ceremony. All he'll see is body, body, and even more body." Olivia said. She does sort of have a point.

"Period." Diane added on.

I rolled my eyes at their disagreements towards my attire. I personally loved the dress, and was going to purchase it regardless. I mean, look at it, it's beautiful on me. And what's so wrong with DeVanté looking at me like he wants to fuck me? How do they think they got here? A stork? DeVanté tapping my belly to impregnate me like he's E.T. or some shit?

"Well, I guess you guys are going to have to suffer throughout the entire ceremony, because I'm buying the dress. Period." I smirked. Both of them huffed as I entered the changing room to remove the dress. I wonder what's got them so hot? It can't be the dress, and it's not that serious after all. Or, is it? Eh, I don't care, I'm not fucking Sherlock Holmes.

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