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There's always stories about the loser and unpopular kid that gradually makes their way up by having something crazy happen to them, right? Yeah, no. This one isn't that. This is about Jaiana (Jay-anna). Jaiana has nice light brown wavy hair, that looks like a brown-dirty-blonde in the sun. It goes along with her green-blue eyes and freckles. She's also short, with a soothing, not to high- not to low voice.

Jaiana's popular. Has a lot of friends. More like people she acknowledges, but being popular is very important to her. It helps with her self-esteem that would've been non-existent if she wasn't popular.

Jaiana has a crazy crush on this other girl, Harmony. She's so beautiful in her eyes. She's pale. She has white hair. Silver-ish eyes. She's albino, but beautiful. She's average height. She has a lisp too. But everyone calls her the loser of the school.

The worst part is that she doesn't have real close friends to talk to, and she doesn't even have a friendly relationship with Harmony

Jaiana doesn't want to give away her popularity away to be with this girl... Or does she?

Haha, find out. :)

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