Chapter 5

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Jaiana was just staring at her screen, not moving, not blinking, not breathing.

When Jaiana realized she wasn't breathing, it was getting harder for her to. It felt as if she was running out of breath, oxygen just disappeared from the world. Jaiana was actually hyperventilating, but she didn't feel that way.

Jaiana's throat closed up, sadness, betrayal, and shock was choking her all at the same time. All her feelings were hitting her. Her heart felt like it skipped beats and had to beat faster to keep the rhythm going.

Jaiana tried to choke back her tears, but she couldn't. The tears rolled down her face and she let out a small whimper that she tried to hold in.

Jaiana started trembling, she looked at her hand to see it shaking violently. She curled herself up in a ball, still trying to breathe.


Jaiana woke up a little late the next morning, so she rushed herself to get ready. She skipped breakfast as she usually did and changed into her clothes. (She took a shower, don't worry) Jaiana just put her hair in a ponytail with a bow. Jaiana didn't like makeup, but she put some on anyway. She ran out the door with her backpack and phone, just on time for the bus. She sighed once she sat down.


When Jaiana got to school she felt eyes all over her. She held on tighter to the straps of her backpack. No one wanted to say hi to her, no one wanted a high-five, no one wanted to compliment her. Jaiana felt alone and judged at school for the first time.

School was supposed to be Jaiana's place to be happy and have good confidence. Anywhere but her house was fine, but school was the best. Right now, she didn't feel confident or happy.

Jaiana decided not to speak, which made teachers very suspicious. She didn't raise her hand, she didn't glace specifically at anyone, she didn't smile.

She was full-on depression mode.

When lunch came, Riley and S'niya were waiting for her, but not like before. They weren't laughing, talking, sitting and hugging or anything. They had smirks on their faces, like they've been waiting for this moment their whole life.

"Well, look who actually came to school," S'niya said, arms crossed.

"Very impressive. I thought she would've killed herself already with how much of a weak bitch she is for liking a loser, right?" Riley questioned S'niya, who nodded.

Jaiana's self-esteem was crushed, but not how she felt. She was angry and she was planning on showing it.

"Why the fuck would you do this to me? I didn't do shit to you! Why me? If you had to ruin someone's life, ruin your own! Your fucking facts aren't gonna prove anything against me!" Jaiana yelled, people turning their heads to see the action. Everyone was quiet. The only sound was the echo of Jaiana's voice.

"Well, first off you're lesbian and that's wrong. It's not actually wrong, but you know it does you bad here. You know this highschool is full of betrayal, the harsh truth, and teasing." Riley flipped her hair at the end of that.

"I'm bisexual, bitch," Jaiana corrected, glaring at Riley. Someone in the audience laughed.

"SLUT!" They yelled and everyone laughed. Jaiana felt embarrassed.

"SHE PROBABLY PLANS ON BEING A PROSTITUTE!" Someone else yelled, everyone nodding in agreement.

Harmony was actually watching this from the back, not believing her ears. Jaiana getting teased? No way. Harmony? Surprised. (Hotel? Trivago.)

Jaiana felt like she couldn't breathe again, but she let out words. "Riley, I-I'm going to kill you."

"Do it then."

"LOSER! FIGHT!" Soon enough, everyone started chanting fight.

Riley had an evil grin on her face and Jaiana had a cold, ugly glare. Jaiana felt like she had no chance of winning. She walked up to Riley, who didn't even react, and pushed her against the table.

"Oooh, aggressive~" Riley said, getting herself up.

Jaiana felt crumbled, as if every part of her body broke down and died. Everyone chanting fight made her hesitate. She turned to the people.

"I NEED TO SAY-" Jaiana got caught off by Riley and S'niya pushing her onto the ground. Everyone laughed.

"Steve, Leon. Beat her up," Riley commanded.


Hello! There's violence and slight sexual harassment. You may skip until you get to "<3" Thank you!


Two boys went up to Jaiana and started kicking her. They kicked her in spots that were already bruised. These kids did this all the time and the teachers did nothing because they didn't care.

Leon took off (more like ripped off), Jaiana's shirt, which revealed bruising from her mom. Jaiana started crying and tried to run, but Steve grabbed her.

Riley clapped twice. "Hold on, stop. Well, well, Jaiana. Where'd those come from?" Riley asked, referring to the bruises. Jaiana shook her head, refusing to answer.

"Hmph. Fine. Continue boys."

Steve and Leon continue to kick Jaiana, then started hitting and punching her. Steve grabbed and squeezed Jaiana's breast, which made Jaiana yelp. Leon slowly rubbed her thigh, going on top of her. Jaiana was very uncomfortable, she hit Leon and scrambled away from them.

Steve and Leon laughed and gave Jaiana her shirt back. She put it back on as quickly as she could and ran, not eating lunch.


<3 All clear!!! Basically Jaiana's bruises from her mom were exposed.


Harmony watched Jaiana hurry out of the lunch room. Jaiana didn't even eat anything. Harmony hesitated before getting two apples and going after Jaiana.

Harmony soon found out Jaiana went to the bathroom. Lunch wasn't over until a bit, so they had time to talk.

Harmony felt like this was her fault. Later that night, she checked Twitter and saw what happened. She even read the hate comments, she figured Jaiana did too. Harmony wanted to say sorry, she knew sorry wouldn't fix what Jaiana just went through, but she thought it was one of the best things she could do. Everyone else went through the same thing though and it was about time Jaiana got a taste of her own medicine.

Harmony lightly slapped herself for thinking that. No one deserves that. Ever.

Harmony opened the door to the girls bathroom and froze up when she saw Jaiana.


Haha! Done! I'm getting into my own writing for the first time. I hope you enjoy! Also, I'm sorry for the angst, I just really love it, okay? Hope you enjoyed~ <3

Word count: 1034

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