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Standing on the sand you watched the waves collide with each other knowing he is out there somewhere worried sick. But what can you tell him? For such a long time he's waited to hear from you. 

What do you tell him? {Oh I was undercover as a slave for Kaido.}

“It’s a lovely night isn’t it.” Lucci walks over stopping beside you to watch the waves. Slowly turning to face him with the look of disbelief. “Did you just talk?”

Lucci turns to face you with enlightening eyes he seemed a bit more relaxed. 

“Yes. Don’t tell anyone.” Turning to face him completely you try to figure out something. “Why would you trust me?” Lucci keeps his eyes focused on the open ocean. 

“Because you saved my life more than you know. This island will understand that you are dangerous to have, when you lose your temper. I am not the one to expose you and you are not the one to expose me. Must I continue? I believe I should. There is something you need to know about me. About us."

Lucci looks over to you with a charming smirk that caught you off guard. The expression he held seemed so opened it was welcoming. It didn't help that the breeze blew his hair back before blowing it forward. 

(There- there's no threat. That feeling.) 

Your eyes widened even more as he turned to face you. (That feeling it's gone. It's as if.)

That dark figure from your past the one lending you a hand to help you back up. That shadowy figure, it's holding the same smile. (It's as if I knew him for the longest of times. I trust him.)

Lucci's black eyes reflected the same way your leopard did the night you took him in. Eyes that were admiring you with no worry of time. Time didn't exist, distractions, the waves, the beach everything around him didn't exist. Nothing mattered. Just you. 

Just you standing there. "For so long I dreamed of how you would look. Now that you stand before me I wasn’t even close. I know you are a criminal, slave, murder everyone can name you anything. But to me."

Slowly raising his hand he slides your hair behind your ear and you flinch from just how hot his skin was. The softness of his fingertips sliding away they were inches away from your cheek but the sensation lingered. The need of compassion made you almost whimper. It's possible to desire affection from someone but to this extend it was a cry for it. An affection you can't feel with Paulie, Killer, Kid, or anyone.

There was something about Lucci that enchanted you. Chained you to him.

The both of you were lost into each other's eyes. 

"But to me you are my little kitten." Lucci rubs his fingers against his thumb having that feeling of just touching your hair coursed through him. He didn't want to touch you but he couldn't help himself. 

The next morning the both of you worked together to cover for the 23 workers that could have been doing this one job. Carrying wood, craters, hammering, cutting. The both of you would just go back and forth communicating non stop. “I've got the paint!”

Hattori would say something for Lucci. 

It's strange knowing Lucci can speak but Hattori speaks for him. Lucci held your ankles as you hung upside down to hammer in some nails. 

Climbing a pillar you sweat uncontrollably making it hard for you to grip tightly on some metal poles. The latter snapped and you gasped as the worst happened. 

Lucci looked up quickly seeing you falling. Lucci ran quickly he leaped forwarded tackling you just as you were inches away from the ground. Keeping his arms closed around you, both of you spun on the ground. Reaching out his hand digging his finger onto the ground to stop the cycle his back slammed against the ship's side. If the cycle continued he knew you would have slammed up against the ship and you seem not to be sharp on your reflexes.

Something has made you completely vulnerable. Could it be your lack of sleep, or you just having your mind somewhere else? Whichever it was Lucci wants to know why you are the way you are right now.

Breathing heavily against his chest you just couldn't believe it. 

It all happened so quickly. Raising your head up looking into a pair of black eyes that seemed to be at question.


Getting back up he stood in front of you. Staggering a bit he held your shoulder so you can keep your balance.

“Looks like little princess fell.” Some of the workers laugh and you look down ashamed. Ashamed that you haven't healed enough to even stop yourself from falling. Lucci looked at them before turning to see how you held your head down. In the past children taunted you and he's positive right now you are being visited by one of your traumatic memories. 

The sound for lunch made all the workers put everything down. Their laughter was all that was heard as they left you and Lucci. 

Lucci slid his hand against your cheek it pains him seeing you like this. “Let's go eat.” His voice made you forget about the shame, it's as if it didn't matter as long as you were with him.

Sitting at the end of the dock with no shoes letting your feet feel the cold waves that moved so suddenly. Lucci held an open expression and a gorgeous smile that just melted you in not looking away. He always smiled for you. Around you he never seemed angered just bright. And you opened up to him like a written book. Letting your guard fall around him, letting him read you, letting yourself fall into his jaws.

His hands moved around as he spoke a lot about his childhood past and some adventures he's done. Of course everything was a lie. Yet it didn't matter because you believed it all.  Believed in his jokes, his humiliating actions, his girlfriend's, friends, family. Just all of it you believed it. All the while you just laughed from all the expressions he was making. 

Whenever someone got too close he would become serious but you just couldn't help it since the serious side of him is needed for his job.

After lunch the both of you got back to work on the ship. While you were smoothing the wood one of the workers from above dropped a hammer purposely. Lucci who was walking by caught it and spun around you as you look to your side. "Thought I saw someone." 

He continued to walk away from your right side. 

The workers from above were laughing and Lucci could hear them. Walking calmly he tosses the hammer up as it spun and fell down on of the workers. “What the hell!” They scream out. “Aw shit Billy is dead.” Lucci smirks finding it funny. 

Through all the week of working the ship was already ready. 

Lucci and you spend more time together it was as if he was your shadow. Doing multiple things there were rarely anyways that the both of you stayed on one topic or one area of the island.

Everything was meant to be explored.

Lucci X Yonko Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now