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After work you hung around with Lucci like you always do now.

“Come on I bet I can beat you up that mountain.” Running ahead he watched you smiling as he chased after you. Jumping you held on a rock using Iron body to get a good grip. 

 (She's a quick climber.) Lucci looked up watching you at times force your fingers through the rock. (She's used Iron body so much that it's superior to mine. If I were to ever fight her. No, I won't let her win so easily again.)

Lucci pushed himself just right behind you. Breathing heavily you slide your fingers through some cracks to relax your left arm. It's an intensive thing do but it's the realization you have no ropes that makes all the more thrilling.

"Damn it!” You attempt to reach for the grip of a rock due to the rest being solid. 

Your fingertips were already bleeding and dirt was stuffed into your nails. Your iron body is strong but you have a limit before you lose concentration on it. Lucci is right behind you he looks over seeing you trying to reach. Climbing closer he holds your ankle and you freak out for a bit but relax. He sets your foot on his shoulder as he climbs up a bit more. 

Cautiously you set your other foot on his shoulder as he climbs up giving you the height needed to grab the rock. “Thanks. I'm really short.” You say sheepishly. Lucci leaps up getting a good grip. “Just tell me when you get tired and I'll carry you all the way to the top.”  Looking down at him you take the time to flick him off. 

“Don't have to be nasty.” The both of you chuckle. Paulie who's not far from the mountain looked over seeing two people climbing it. “Bunch of idiots.” He stands to watch the climbers. “They'll never make it and someone will have to go get them.” Paulie looks uninterested till his eyes grow wide seeing the one at the top pulling herself up.

The rock she held onto crumbled and she lost footing. “Damn it!” He says watching her slide down. Passing the climber behind her. 

The climber let go as he fell and caught her hand and with his other arm he stopped them both from falling. 

“What the hell! That amount of strength to stop himself and her from falling! That's impossible!” The male climber pulled the female climber up as she continued to climb fast. This time it looked as if she were a fucking spider going up the wall. 

“These are a bunch of idiots! Including the woman! Putting herself at risk!” 

Sweating you breathed heavily as you bled from your arms. When you slid down you ended up cutting your side, chest, arms and hands. Lucci was worried but he respected your determination. (I won't hold her back. Only she knows her own limits. Her body makes them. But right now compared to the girl she was before. She's truly unstoppable.)

During mountain climbing he would go back to carry you up. If it were running through the nights storm and he finished he would ignore his mentors. Through the darkness of the storm he lifted you off the snow carrying you back.

During diving practice the waters were wicked and many did drown. But you were a strong swimmer he had faith in you within the ocean. 

It angered you that no matter what, you were never good enough and you held him behind. 

It was clear to everyone that no matter what they say, no matter the storm or the fall. Lucci would always go back for you. 

(That very next day you left.)

Just as he was remembering the past so were you. The vivid memory of others being ahead of you while you climbed up made it feel so real. But all the further to continue. (I won't be behind.) Breathing deeply your body was sore from the slide but you concentrated. It's not understandable where these memories come from but they keep you moving. One thing is for certain, whatever you went through as a child.

(I hated it.)

 “Are you alright?” Lucci asks seeing you have stopped. Breathing heavily you reached out your arm. “Iron.” Panting you concentrate. “Body!"

Smashing your fingers on the rock

(Victory won't always be mine.)  you grind your teeth from the sudden shocking pain. ( I'm not competitive but I am challenging!)

“Don't break your fingers!” Lucci says knowing that crack wasn't only the rock. 

(I do this all for me I do this all to rise!)

Rushing up he stops beside you but your eyes are solid as you pull yourself up groaning. 

Lucci stayed back in utter shock. It terrified him seeing you shut off completely it's as if he didn't exist. The sounds of your fingers digging within the rocks was all he heard. The speed was unbelievable. That same empty feeling in your eyes were the eyes that haunt him till this day. The eyes that looked down upon him holding the sword toward his neck.

Lucci rushed to be by your side but you were too fast. Holes against the rocks were mixed with blood from where you forced your fingers to dig in. Lucci was concerned by the amount you were losing. Concerned that at the rate you are going your body will shut down.

Reaching up the mountain you breathed heavily with bleeding fingers. As you dug your hands on the dirt pulling yourself up laying on your back to watch the skies that were colorful. (I do this to survive.)

Lucci finally made it up. Quietly he sat beside you his eyes slowly examined your body seeing the damages. "What are you trying to prove?" 

Breathing heavily you looked over to him with such dead eyes.

Lucci's eyes widened realizing how terrified he is. Now that he sees how far you are willing to push your boundaries. A part of him hates to admit that you would win against him. Another part of him wishes not to believe it.

“Who taught you?” Lucci gently lifts your hand his tongue licking your knuckles. Licking your wounds away with his dashing eyes searching for your reaction. Furrowing your eyebrows from his sudden action gave you a strange feeling. Lucci is just as strong as you, Paulie told you Lucci was the last one who had you sword. Lucci lied by saying someone stole it from him.

What's much more off is his endurance is just as great as yours. Lucci's background may be great but it is certainly suspicious. He isn't the only one you suspect of treason. Actually you were wanting to fire Lucci but when Iceberg said that he was needed to keep the business running you decided to keep your mouth shut.

Of course you've built a nice relationship with him, perhaps even a much closer one than Paulie. It's as if Lucci were the only one who understood you completely. Claiming to be the boy in your past memories. 

Looking up to the sky you tell him. “Everyone."  If your childhood memories haunted you enough they certainly do more now.

Despite all your fails he was there to lift you back up, at times leaving you alone. Lucci was tough on you that you can recall. The family you found and created build you into what you now.  

(You know.) Smiling you remember a sweet memory of him having you on his lap while he brushed your hair. Hattori was in your hands while you fixed a coat on him.

 (It wasn't that bad.)

“You're more attractive if you tempt to smile.” 

Lucci removed his scarf and wrapped it around your face. “You are more uglier than me when you don't.” 

Frowning you feel as if you were fighting back tears. (But I didn't want to kill for no reason. I didn't want to train anymore.) 

“Help us!” The screams of children within a sinking ship that caught on fire still remind you why you hated being part of the island.

 (I wanted to save them.) Luccii pulled you back when you were getting ready to jump out of the ship and help them. “We are not here on these seas for them. This is reality just understand the balance of it.”

(I hate him but yet I understand him.) Looking at Lucci who's watching you waiting for an answer. (I don't trust him but I've fallen in love with him. I don't want to fall in love with someone like him.)

Lucci sucked his thumb wetting it. Slowly reaching out he rubs his thumb on your lips cleaning off some dried blood. "If I could, I would lick away your wounds." Lucci smirked of the thought.

Lucci X Yonko Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now