The Boys are Back

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Exiting a small store you looked over to your left toward the bar watching a group of pirate's running out. "Trouble? I hope not." Looking down at the ground you force your feet to head that direction.

So suddenly a group of men came out. A spiked red head with goggles and a wide smile forced you to stop in between 4 buildings. Kid turned over to you his smile fading away, his eyes resting on you. 

"Captain?" The enlightenment in your eyes said it all. 

Heat stood on the left and Wire on his right their eyes landing on you as well. But nothing about them felt welcoming. Taking a step forward Heat grabbed hold of the handle of his sword. Wire switched his trident to his other hand. Stopping you realized the warning they were sending out. 

Kid watched you as if waiting for your actions but in truth you couldn't read him. "Why are they threatened by me?" Taking another step forward Kid reached up sliding out his gun from his holster. Stopping you took a step back not understanding why your own Crew is warning you. "Am I no longer a part of the team? Captain."

Heat leaned toward Kid whispering something in his ear but Kids eyes never left you. "Why am I a threat?" 

Arms wrapped around your body making you flinch of a heart attack. "Got you Kiddo." A familiar voice whispers behind your ear. Smiling widely you looked over your shoulder seeing the familiar stripe mask. 

"Dad!" You turn around wrapping your arms around his neck crying softly in his chest. Killer was frozen from your reaction but he returned the gesture. Rubbing you back like the baby you are to him. "I missed you." You say like a child. 

The crew walked up behind you as you turned around quickly with puffy eyes. Kid squinted down at you keeping his lips straight with no smile. Honestly seeing him like this made you terrified of him. 

"AAA!" Screaming out he chains his arms around your waist lifting you up giving you a tight hug. His joy brought you tears of pain from the tight hug but you endured the internal scream because you didn't want to fuck up the moment. You'd rather suffer his bear hug than live with the thought you were no longer part of the Kid Pirates.

"You little piece of shit!" Kid settles you down to eye level with him, your feet still hanging. "Why haven't you called us! For 2 fucking years we didn't hear anything from you! Nothing! You just fucking ghosted on us!" 

Kid screams out and you smile giggling nervously. "I uhm. I have been busy. But I- I never stopped dreaming about you." 

Killer walks up wrapping his arms around you but Kid pulls you to the side. 

"Damn it no! She's fucking mine now Killer! Answer my question!" Kid looks down at you and the entire crew surrounded you in a circle. "Guys. This looks like a porno flick." 

Kid smirks. "Don't get any ideas." Panicking a bit you squirm. "Killer!" You scream out as he starts tugging your waist back. "Let go of her Kid." Killer tugs on you but Kid hugs you closer trying to pull you away. 

"Who the hell said you can order me?"  Kid pulls you back leaving you sandwiched in between both men. 

"Kiddo did." Killer says serious behind his mask. 

Kid’s eyes widen. "Oh so you are now commanding my crew? After 2 fucking years!" Leaning in face to face with your nervous wrecked composure. "Hehe." Is all that can be heard as you see a wide smile with bright teeth forming between his lips. 

"Why haven't you called me? I am still your Captain I should have heard from you!" Kid tightens his arms a bit more around you. "Killer." You say closing your eyes feeling the sting of pain. 

"He has a point." Killer squeezes your waist. 

"Guys come on this isn't funny it looks like you are a bunch of perverts and I'm really injured, fractured injured." Kid loosens his grip only for Killer to help him lift you up on his shoulder. 

"We have a lot to talk about but we don't have our ship it's being fixed. I'd we had it you would be coming back with us!" Kid says walking back toward the bar but stops. "Killer where the fuck is the house we were staying in?" 

Killer looks at the corner where the house should have been but it's just black dirt and a pipe.

"Gone." He responds back.

Hear looked away rubbing his finger against the side of his eye. He may have accidentally left his candles on.

"Uhm, you guys can stay at my place." Looking at the crew they look at each other alright with the idea. "You have a place?" Kid asked raising an eyebrow. "I work here. In fact I actually fix and build ships." 

Kid just feels this great overwhelming pride toward you.

 "Well dam! Aren't you just the talented one! My baby girl being strong and independent!"

Turning on the lights of the apartment the crew entered your apartment. "Make yourselves at home guys. Just remember to clean up after yourselves." Kid looks around your apartment before flopping on your sofa. 

Killer stood next to you watching the crew relax in the living room. Much more looking at the modern day technology that you have acquired. "There's an arrow button." Wire leans next to your speaker. 

Pushing the button music starts to play. Kid opens an eye to see where the music is coming from. Wire pushes the button again pausing the song. 

"Turn it back on." Kid groans out stretching his feet on the coffee table. Normally you would chew his ass out but you couldn't find it in your heart to do so.

 Just having them here brought so much relief made you feel safe. It felt like an actual home.

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