Come Closer

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After I woke up, Ibrahim was sitting near me. He looked up and smiled. "Hey, how are you feeling?" I smiled and nodded . "Totally fine. How is Zoya?" He smiled sadly. "That's always the first thing you ask when you wake up. It is nice to see." He smiled and something in me made me feel uncomfortable. He spoke again. "Reyna, tell me something." I was confused as what he wanted to know and nodded him to go on. He came closer and sat next to me. "How did you tell everything to Rakesh? I mean like how did you manage it all? Without any of our help?" He sadly took my hand in his. My hand felt warm in his. I smiled and looked up at him.


Arjun has left the house and Reyna is alone. This was a few minutes before he brings lunch for the two of them


I have to do something. Something fast. I did not want to give myself up. Nor do I want to risk Zoya's life. Tears were streaming down my face. I knew I was alone but I was also confident that Dev would watch every step of mine somehow. He is not a fool. I cannot call anyone either. But I have to do something. But what?? What can I do to save both Zoya and myself? There has to be a way. Then an idea struck me. it was a new ray of hope but also a small one. I wasted no time. I went to my room and thankfully all the curtains were closed. I opened my suitcase and took out the phone I never thought I would need. The phone rang and continued ringing. Pick up. Pick up please Rakesh. I don't have time. The phone went straight to voice mail. I called again, and no result. Shit. I left a voice mail. I had no choice. I will try calling him later again. I gripped the phone and spoke. "Rakesh I am in trouble. I need your help. I need you to track me. I have been blackmailed. My friend is in trouble and I need to go to someone in order to save her. Track me please. You are the only one who can save us both. Track her phone also, I will send her number to you. Please help. God I hope you get this on time. Rakesh track my cell .As soon as possible. And track a contact named Dev and track all his calls too. This is important. Help me Rakesh.

I cut the phone after that. That is all I can do now. And hope that he hears it on time. He is in CBI and said whenever I fall in trouble and I needed his help I can use that phone. No one can track it except him. Now that's all I can do.


Ibrahim smiled. I sighed , relieved. "Like I said, it was a chance factor. I didn't know if it will work or not. And it did. Thank God. " He was still holding my hand. I decided to get up. He stopped me, looking worried. I shook my head. "No Ibrahim, I need to get up and move around. I can't sit in here like this all day." He held my hand giving me support and like an idiot I did not look where I was going and I tripped . He caught me from my waist but did not release me. He didn't release me. We stared at each other for quite a while. He moved his eyes from my eyes to my lips. I pushed him away. We stared at each other. He was looking confused but know I saw a hint of anger when I pushed him away. I looked away from his eyes at the ground. He reached out to me. "Reyna, I --" I put my hand to stop him. I felt uncomfortable but I didn't need to say anything as Rakesh walked into the room just then. Phew. Rakesh smiled at me. "Hey how are you feeling?" I smiled at him and took his hand when he reached out to me. "Absolutely fine. " He held my hand in his and smiled. I looked at Ibrahim behind him and saw an expression of jealousy and anger. I glared at him. what is he doing?, I thought. I looked back at Rakesh. He sighed. "The police are here to talk to you Reyna. They can't delay it anymore. " I sighed sadly. I looked back at him. "Let's get this over with ok?" He nodded. At that time Sheela and Arjun also came inside. I looked at them. "Zoya?" Sheela smiled. "She is stable but now recovering much faster. In fact the doctor says that there is a very good chance of her waking up in a few hours" I smiled widely. Rakesh got a call then. He spoke softly and then looked at me. "Ready?" I nodded. He opened the door and 3 police men walked in. They only wanted to Rakesh to stay but I gripped Sheela's arm and the police nodded at her to stay. I know that my trauma is nothing compared to Zoya's. Yet I could not stop myself from flinching or squirming and crying as I was telling everything. Him touching me, hitting me, Zoya's video....everything. After it was done I put my head in my hands and tried to calm myself. I tried to control my breathing. I focused on Sheela's hand in mine and rubbed circles on her hand. And my breathing sounds. I didn't even realise the doctor had come in. Arjun was about to come near me but the doctor stopped her. "No. Let her finish it. She's controlling her panic attack. She is stopping it by herself." Is that what I was doing? I continued to control my breathing and closed my eyes. I opened my eyes afterward and looked around. Sheela touched my arm. Rakesh came to me. I shook my head. "Its gonna be hundred times worse for Zoya. Enough about me. We need to focus on her." Rakesh nodded. "I submitted all the evidence . Its enough to prove him guilty and of course I also have copies of all them. Dev is not a fool. He has people all over that can help him." I nodded. The next 2 days had the same pattern. Rakesh made the police protect us and he was sure that Dev was going to be put in jail. I went home on the third day. My parents were coming tomorrow and as much as I did not want them to, they were stubborn as hell and wanted to come. I went home and took a shower . The good thing in all of this was that Zoya woke up. She was just mumbling words and was in and out of consciousness but today she was better and was able to sit up and talk. After getting dressed, me and Sheela prepared food for Arjun who never left Zoya's side. He refused to come home. Ibrahim was upstairs while the food was getting ready. Meanwhile I went the God's room. I lit the lamp near the pictures of God we had and prayed silently. I looked at them.

Thank you. Me and Zoya are alive. And out of danger. And for that I am eternally grateful. Now I just want one more thing. Just put an end to all this. Let Dev never come back into our lives again. Give Zoya a happy life. Help her overcome her past and live a long, happy life. Let this nightmare end in a happy note. That's all I want. Please be with us in this journey. Please.

Tears rolled down as I prayed and I opened my eyes . The lamps were glowing brightly. I smiled in my tears because I knew we would win. That God will be with us. That's all I needed. I wiped my tears and got up. Ibrahim and Sheela were looking at me. Sheela handed me the lunch and then went to pray. Ibrahim looked at me but I looked away. I did not like the way he was looking and behaving with me. I was about to walk away when he grabbed my hand. I glared at him. "Reyna can we talk please? I am sorry." I did not have the energy to fight with him although I wanted to. I just nodded my head. We went to the hospital. Zoya was awake then. She sat up and I sat on her bed. She hugged me and then she struggled to eat. Her wounds were still healing so she was in pain. Then I told her what Rakesh told me that morning ."The court hearing is in a week. The doctor said you will be ok by then. I need you to be strong. We all have to be." I do not know how much she understood but she nodded. She has no choice. I did not want her to face him yet. But it has to happen quickly. Then I went out of the room and Sheela came up to me. She smiled at me slightly. "Now what? " I sighed. " Now we just need to get through this." Ibrahim saw us then. Sheela got a call from her mom. Timing , I thought. He came up to me. He looked at me. "Reyna I.... I didn't know what I was doing. I just care for you and I really did not want to make you uncomfortable in any way. I am sorry." I did not know if he meant it or not. So I just nodded and walked away. I never thought that I had to think about Ibrahim. At first I was observing him for Sheela. That's it. But after that I loved him like we all did. But the way he's been looking at me for the past few days has me worried. I don't know if I am overthinking it or what that idiot has on his mind. But Sheela is in between. If he hurts her.....if my imagination of the situation is not going wrong then he is in for deep trouble. No one hurts her. Not while I am here.

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