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We all gathered at our home. Our parents came. Hiren called. It was a house filled with happiness. First thing of course I lit a lamp near God. I prayed.

"Thank you. You saved us all. We won. Thank You so much. Bless everyone in this house with happiness in all its forms my dear God. And give strength to Zoya to move on from all this and mourn her brother. She still lost her only family left. She deserves happiness more than any of us. If what I think about her and Arjun is true then please bless them with everything. Sheela and Ibrahim too. They deserve it. Please bless everyone with all happiness in the world and may your guiding hand be on our shoulders forever and your grace and love too. Thank you once again my dear God. We all are very grateful. "

I opened my eyes and looked at God's photos. The lamps were glowing brightly and it was almost as if the Gods were smiling. I smiled and walked out of it. All of us prayed, thanking God. The rest of the day was peaceful and happy. We all had a good lunch. I was able to convince my parents to go back home tomorrow. In midst of this happiness, I was focusing on Zoya. I was having a hunch about her. I knew she has to get it out. In the evening everyone were doing their own works. I knocked on Zoya's room. She opened the door. I could see she was a mess. I smiled at her and led my hand out. "Come with me." She looked confused. "Where?" I shook my head. "Just come. for me." She looked confused. " Now? I don't think its a good time." I shook my head." Look Zoya I won't take no for an answer. I know that you want to be alone. But trust me . And come with me. I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important. Its just the two of us. Come on." After a long moment she said yes. I got into the car with her when she asked, "Where are we going?". I smiled at her. 'You'll see." After half an hour of driving we came to a place a few miles behind the orphanage. There was a lake and the sun was setting. Zoya looked at sighed . " Wow Reyna how did you come to know about this place?" I smiled. "Maya bought me here one day I came here. I have been hanging out here every time I needed to clear my mind. I haven't bought anyone though. Its nice when there's no noise and everything is quite. You can just let your mind flow and clear. You can be honest with yourself. And the best part about places like these is the most important person is you." She smiled. "Its so beautiful. Makes you feel free." I smiled and looked at her. "You can say it you know?" She looked at me confused. "What?" I shook my head. "The thing that you wanted to say but didn't and won't because of how it'll make everyone think." I held her hand. "Look Zoya I know we all thought about it. But I know you must've thought about it a hundred times. But its really happening now. You can say how you feel." She sighed. " I don't know how I feel. I don't know how I should. " She held my hand in her both. "I know that he hurt us Reyna. I know he deserves a punishment. I know that. For all that he did. I got justice. We all did. And for that I am eternally grateful." She started crying now. I touched her face and nodded. "Say it Zoya." She cried. "But I didn't want him dead Reyna. I don't know why I feel like this. I wanted him to change. But now he's not even gonna get that chance. I know he probably wouldn't. But he needed that choice. I needed to have the choice to forgive him or not. Now, it's all gone. He's gonna die in a week." She hugged me after that and cried. I understood her. Completely.

After a few hours we ate outside as she didn't want to face anyone yet. I told Sheela what happened but since she was at a movie with Ibrahim I texted her. We went home. She looked at me. "Thank you Reyna. For today." I smiled and nodded . "Go see Arjun. You'll feel much better with him.' She blushed a little and my heart did a leap understanding that they were together. Yay. We hugged one more time and went upstairs.

I relaxed for a while and then Sheela and Ibrahim came. I hugged her . "How is she Reyna?" I nodded. "She is fine. Come lets eat." Sheela grinned. "Actually we brought chicken momos. Come lets go to the terrace and eat. " I squealed and Sheela laughed. I looked at Ibrahim and I noticed that he was very sad. His eyes met mine and he looked away. Sheela grabbed my and we three went upstairs. We ate the food and talked and joked about everything. At last I asked them about the movie. Sheela shrugged. "I didn't like it that much. It was a cheating story. Why can't that guy just be honest and tell his girlfriend that he doesn't love her anymore? Instead of keeping the fact that he loves someone else a secret. I mean yeah he'll break her heart but at least he's honest." I nodded. Ibrahim put down the sprite bottle with force making us jump. Sheela put a hand on his shoulder." Ibrahim what's wrong?" He removed her hand and spoke. And when he did his voice was stern. "Its not that easy ok Sheela. To tell, someone you don't love them because of some one else. Like how I love Reyna instead of you." I was shocked . So was Sheela. Ibrahim looked as if he didn't mean to say it. His expression softened when he looked at Sheela. "Sheela I -, yes I do love her. Very much . I'm sorry. Really. I tried but- I love you Reyna. " I was shocked. Sheela's eyes had tears. She got up and walked away. I got up "Sheela wait!" I ran after her. I grabbed her hand. She shook it off. "Sheela please I had no idea. Believe me." She looked around. Oh God . Her expression was heartbreaking. "Reyna just stay away from me." She looked behind me and I turned to see Ibrahim . She went to him and slapped him. He flinched but didn't move. He deserved it. "I hate you. Stay away from me. Don't show your face again." She walked away. Tears began in my eyes. "Reyna." I turned around and glared at him. "How could you?!" He shook his head and came near me. I took a step back. "Don't come near me. Stay away." Ibrahim shook his head and came and held both my hands. "Reyna please. I mean it. I need you. Like how I need air." I shook my head and tried to push him away. But his grip was stronger. " I love you Reyna. " I pushed him off and shook my head. "No. Not in a million years will I love you." His expression showed so much pain but I couldn't sympathise with him. I was disgusted by him. I went downstairs without looking back at him.

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