This story is a reboot from my original Love Hotel story. Shoto Todoroki and Izuku Midoriya spend some quality time together, until Shoto decides they need more fun in their lives.
"There's more food on these menus that I can eat in one year!" Shoto exclaims, flipping through the laminated booklets full of traditional Japanese food. Deku takes a seat beside him on the red sofa perpendicular to their bed.
"May I please see it?" Shoto makes a little noise in his throat, passing the large menu to Deku, who opens his mouth at the wide range of food available to order. Eventually Deku stops at a page with a fresh-looking bowl of katsudon, letting a little smile appear on his freckled face.
"This one looks good," Deku says happily, pointing at the menu, "I wonder what their fried pork tastes like."
"It probably tastes the same as every other one, Midoriya, but if that's what you want, then we'll order it for you." Shoto takes the menu back from Deku, holding his hand out in wait.
"Everything here looks quite satisfying, but I think that rice bowl with chicken teriyaki is supremely mouthwatering." Deku leans over Shoto's shoulder to see his choice better.
"Y-yeah. You're right, Todoroki-kun. Is... that what you're getting?"
"It seems like it, Midoriya. We can order dessert afterwards." On the TV, there is a special channel where everything on the menu comes into view. Shoto flips through the items, selecting the meals him and Deku decided on just a minute ago. The green-haired boy sneaks away from Shoto to flop backwards on the red and white bed, sinking deep into the mattress.
"Ahhh.... This bed is so... mmm... soft. Come lie down with me, Todoroki-kun!"
It should take about fifteen minutes for our food to arrive, so why not.
"Scoot over, Midoriya." Deku shuffles to the right, making more room for his boyfriend, who slowly lies down, he, too, sinking into the plush mattress.
"Don't you think it's a bit... soft, Midoriya? I am used to a more firm bed." Shoto rolls to his right side, touching, Deku's upper cheek, stroking it gently, making him giggle.
"Mhhm! That tickles, Todoroki-kun. S-stop it!" Shoto then looks at Deku with a mischievous face, rolling him onto his back, lifting himself up to hover over his boyfriend.
"That tickles, huh? Well, take THIS!" Shoto's fingers fly all over Deku's neck, hips, underarms and the like, causing him to roll around, laughing hysterically.
"Oh! Stop! That. That tickles. Oh! Hey! Not. There! Todoroki-kun! Ha ha ha!" Deku keeps laughing and rolling, until Shoto becomes tired of tickling his boyfriend.
"I didn't know you were THAT ticklish, Midoriya."
"Heh. Maybe it's because you never... really did that to me. Maybe I should see how ticklish YOU are, Todoroki-kun!"
"No, thanks, Midoriya. I can assure you that I am quite ticklish without you doing it yourself." Deku grabs Shoto by his sides, causing him to jerk to the side, starting to giggle deeply. Deku's eyes are half closed and mischievous.
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*Just imagine his eyes being halfway closed. The smile would be the same.
"Ah! Cut it out, Midoriya! Ohhh no. Not my neck! Oh oh oh!" Deku tickles Shoto so hard that he falls on his back, Deku straddling him tightly.
"Think you can escape, Todoroki-kun? I think NOT!" Deku continues to tickle Shoto, until he pauses for a second. He then leans down to kiss his boyfriend on the mouth, licking around his lips, asking for entrance. Both lovers sink into a smooth French kiss. Shoto grabs Deku's behind, giving it a little squeeze as they kiss. Soon enough, there is a knock on the door and they cease kissing. Another one follows shortly after.
"Looks like our food is here, Midoriya. We can play more after dinner."