This story is a reboot from my original Love Hotel story. Shoto Todoroki and Izuku Midoriya spend some quality time together, until Shoto decides they need more fun in their lives.
The boys finish their breakfast at around 9:30AM, nearly an hour after waking up. Deku flips through the room's cosplay menu, including everything from a school girl outfit, to a fancy maid outfit. Deku studies the maid outfit, imagining Shoto wearing it.
Todoroki-kun would look simply adorable in this maid outfit. I wonder if he'd let me order it....
"H-hey, Todoroki-kun? C-can I dress you up in this... m-maid outfit? It costs ¥2,000 to rent it...." Shoto walks to stand behind Deku, who's seated on the fancy red sofa. He looks at the picture with wide eyes, his mouth open just a touch.
"I-I don't know about that, Midoriya. I don't feel very comfortable wearing something like that...."
"Come on, Todoroki-kun!" Deku pleads in a playful voice, "It's your chance to roleplay for fun! Please?" Shoto does a face palm, giving into Deku's request.
"Fine. On one condition. I am not wearing it for long."
The maid outfit arrives at the door and Deku rushes to pick it up. It is professionally packed, everything set up neatly inside a thick plastic bag with two white plastic fasteners.
"Todoroki-kuuuun, time to put on the maaaaid outfiiiiit" Deku walks into the main room where Shoto stands tall in front of the bed, no expression on his face.
"Hand it over, Midoriya. Let's get this over with...." Shoto takes the costume out, shaking his head in discomfort as he studies every part.
I never thought Midoriya would want to see me in a maid's outfit. This is not quite what I planned....
After much ado about nothing, Shoto stands in front of Deku, looking glum with not a hit of excitement present.
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*Come on. Who doesn't like Shoto in a maid's outfit? He's adorable!
"You look so cute, Todoroki-kun! This outfit really suits you!" Deku smiles widely, a glimmer in his eyes. Shoto feels the direct opposite.
"Well, Thanks, Midoriya. It isn't the most comfortable thing to wear, though."
"But, Todoroki-kun! The little bell around your neck makes you look like a cat! I-I thought you... liked cats."
"Yes, I do enjoy the company of cats, but this costume is too much for me.... Can we please take it off?" Shoto moves around uncomfortably since the maid outfit was created for the ladies to wear during roleplay. Deku runs to find his phone, opening up the camera app.
"Can I PLEASE take a picture of you, Todoroki-kun? I'll keep it for myself and myself only." Deku's eyes lay wide open, his puppy dog eyes causing Shoto to melt inside.
"Alright, Midoriya, but please make it quick. This costume is not my size." Deku takes several pictures of Shoto in the maid outfit, asking him to put on a little smile, which he forces upon himself, feeling a bit embarrassed. Soon enough, Deku closes his phone and places it on the short table, shooting a glance to Shoto, nodding his head, letting his boyfriend out of his misery.
"Phew! This costume is finally off. It was getting to tight in there." Shoto stretches his arms, crossing one over the other and vice versa. Deku watches Shoto, beginning to remove his clothing right in front of his boyfriend, not having a care in the world.
"Hey, Midoriya. What are you doing?" Shoto asks in a pressed voice, confused at Deku's uncommon actions.
"We're going to have intercourse, Todoroki-kun. Don't you remember what we talked about earlier?" Shoto pauses for a second, remembering their pre-breakfast conversation.
"Yeah, that's right. I'll be back soon." Shoto saunters into the bathroom, returning with a towel around his waist. Deku waits near the bed with a smirk on his face.
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*I know this is Villain Deku, but in this case, he would think about his next steps with Shoto.
Heh heh heh.... I get to be on top this time. I am planning on activating One For All to keep us going for as long as possible. This will be great.