This story is a reboot from my original Love Hotel story. Shoto Todoroki and Izuku Midoriya spend some quality time together, until Shoto decides they need more fun in their lives.
After fifteen minutes of being in a dreamlike state, Deku sits up in the bed, finding Shoto sitting to his left.
"Hello, Midoriya. Did you have fun tonight?" Shoto's voice is casual as he makes eye contact with the green-haired boy, whose eyes stand fully open again. Deku smiles sweetly, butterflies fluttering inside Shoto's stomach.
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*Deku's facial expression in this moment.
"It was more than just fun.... I felt like I was living a dream. Y-you do know about lucid dreams, don't you, Todoroki-kun?"
"Mmhm. I've experienced many of them, some of them being happy, other's turning out the complete opposite."
"Oh? When was the last time you had a bad dream? I don't think you told me about it." Shoto stares straight ahead, searching his mind for the details of his last lucid dream.
"There was this one dream where I thought I lost you. Gunshots were fired all through the city and you disappeared into the wreckage. I tried in vain to find you, calling out your name, but when the smoke finally cleared, you were lying down in a pool of blood. There was a hole in your side, having been caught in the crossfire...." Deku looks down to his own scarred hands, digesting the points of Shoto's lucid dream.
"That seems very sad, Todoroki-kun, but just know that I am here. I am very much alive. My quirk now allows me to move faster than I used to, so if that ever happens there's a greater chance of escape." Shoto sighs deeply, wrapping his arms around Deku's shoulders, leaning his head closer to his boyfriend's.
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"I'm so happy that I met you, Midoriya. You're the brightest light of my life, my hope, my reason for living!" Shoto smiles bigger than ever before while he hugs Deku, who closes one eye into a wink.
"Oh wow! That makes me feel so... special, Todoroki-kun! Ever since we finished at UA, all I could think about was what you were doing when you were alone, each of us at our own houses. Now that we live together, we can see each other for most of the day, creating a win-win situation for both of us...."
"Hey, look, Midoriya. There is a weird control device on my bedside table. I wonder what it does." Shoto picks up the device, complete with one red button and one green button. When he presses the green button, a screen appears from the ceiling, large enough to see everything evenly from the bed. Both lovers watch in amazement as the TV lowers down.
"I had NO idea that we had an extra screen. Let's find the remote, Midoriya." Shoto and Deku slide out the drawers on their bedside tables, Deku finding the extra remote inside his.
"Here it is, Todoroki-kun. This is a big... surprise...."
"A big screen surprise, Midoriya. Let's see what time it is. Hopefully we have enough time to watch something." Shoto finds his phone in his bedside table, the clock saying 10:00PM.
"Damn, Midoriya. It's already 10:00PM. Maybe we could watch something tomorrow morning."
"We could still watch something short, Todoroki-kun. Just turn on the TV." Shoto presses the 'ON' button on the remote, the same menu from the other one appearing.
"Look at that menu, Todoroki-kun. The one on the left seems... interesting...." Shoto opens his eyes wide with shock, not moving a muscle.
"You do realize that is a collection of inappropriate videos including people getting it on, right, Midoriya? That stuff is not healthy."
"We can at least try it out, Todoroki-kun. Let's see." Shoto rolls his eyes internally, pressing on the inappropriate channel. Even Deku cannot believe how many thumbnails there are of people carrying out intimate activities.
"Uhhh, yeah. This... can't be good." Deku yawns as he runs his eyes over the thumbnails, "W-we could still check it out, r-right, Todoroki-kun?"
"Why would you want to watch people getting intimate when we are sitting right next to each other. Isn't it better to do it ourselves?" Deku shrugs his shoulders, looking down at hands once more.
"Yeah, I guess you're... right, Todoroki-kun." Deku yawns again, leaning on Shoto's shoulder, causing him to giggle softly.
"See, even you are too tired to watch any of this... stuff... Let's brush our teeth and go to sleep. We'll have more things to do in the morning...." With that, Shoto and Deku lift themselves out of bed, walking into the bathroom where they take turns using the sink, as well as the toilet. After they finish brushing their teeth, they drink water from the sink inside those plastic cups. Deku then follows Shoto back to the bed, each boy climbing into it from opposite sides. They like down, looking each other in the eyes, leaning in for a short, soft kiss. They stroke each other's hair, smiling small linear smiles.
"Good night, Todoroki-kun. I-I love you."
"Same to you, Midoriya. You mean the world to me." With this, the two lovers fall asleep face to face, breathing gently as Shoto turns off the light using the switch near the bed.
What a perfect evening.... Now it is time to relax and prepare for tomorrow's events....
Deku uses the last bit of energy he holds to roll directly onto Shoto's front, falling asleep right there, moving his belly up and down with every breath. Shoto sighs and falls asleep with Deku on top of him, wrapping his arms around his lover gently, as does Deku, who grips Shoto's shoulders.
That's quite enough, Midoriya. Time to sign off for the night....