Turned Tables (Part 2)

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"Walk yourself over to the bed, Todoroki-kun. We're going to have a LOT of fun." Deku acts mischievous, as if something completely changed his personality.

"Will do, Midoriya. Just remember the lube is on my bedside table," Shoto hands Deku a condom pack, this time in blue, "Here, use this. It's safer."

"Thanks, Todoroki-kun." Shoto climbs onto the bed, relaxing on his back, spreading his legs apart in wait for him boyfriend. Deku eyes Shoto, feeling a rush of excitement spread through his whole body, his lower regions more so, feeling his member harden.

He's so sexy lying over there. I just want to be in control for once....

Deku climbs onto the bed to meet with his lover, grabbing the small bottle of lube from Shoto's bedside table, concentrating hard on what he needs to do.

"So, now I spread this stuff over my fingers and insert them into Todoroki-kun. Must I use all three? That is supposedly the best course of action if we don't want to experience too much pain...." Deku keeps rambling until Shoto brings him back to the moment at present.

"Midoriya. You're rambling again. Just prepare me and let's do this."

Man. Someone's impatient. Perhaps Todoroki-kun hungers to feel me inside him? Yes. I feel hungry, too. Time to get down and dirty.

Deku inserts one finger inside his lover's entrance, feeling the tightness surrounding it. Shoto only watches with his head lifted up, making sure that Deku has the right idea.

"Good job, Midoriya. Now add the next fingers. Make sure to loosen me up completely."


"It is time, Todoroki-kun. Brace yourself." Deku guides his member to his lover's entrance with one hand, keeping it there for a few seconds before pushing himself in with some force.

"Uuf. That's right, Midoriya. Start thrusting as soon as you feel prepared." Deku closes his eyes and squeezes his lips together, pushing himself deeper into his lover.

I think it's time to activate One For All. My body feels ready.

With this thought, Deku spreads his full energy through his body, turning himself a bright red as he begins to thrust harder and harder, Shoto opening his mouth wide, gasping for air. Deku makes little sounds inside his throat with every move, bringing more power into his movements.

This is easy! And it... feels so good.... What if I try to send more energy through my body?

*Now for the next part, imagine the blue sparks appearing, moving quickly all over Deku's body

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*Now for the next part, imagine the blue sparks appearing, moving quickly all over Deku's body.

"Yes, M-Midoriya.... Keep... going... HARDER!" Deku pushes himself to 100%, sending light green sparks all over the place. Shoto pants heavily, pulling Deku closer to his body, grasping the fast pace.

"Todoroki-kuuuun! Kiss me! Kiss me right now!" The two boys lean in for the kiss, using their tounges to their full potential, sucking at each other's lips, breathing heavily into each other's faces, creating a hot atmosphere. Shoto activates his ice quirk to keep the heat at bay. The two lovers keep moving until Deku turns off his quirk, falling onto Shoto, lying down motionless.

"Ouf, Midoriya. You're heavy. Please... just pull yourself out...." Deku is still motionless, so Shoto holds his boyfriend by the shoulders, gently lifting him up until he opens his eyes.

"T-Todoroki-kun? W-was that good enough?" Deku's eyes hang half closed, his face full of sweat, still red from using 100% of his quirk. Shoto smiles without showing his teeth, stroking his boyfriend on the back with his left hand.

"That was perfect, Midoriya. I feel very well pleasured.... Now, please... disconnect your body from mine...." With what energy he could muster, Deku shuffles backwards, groaning a little bit as he removes himself from his lover, flopping on Shoto's right side, completely out of it.

Good thing we have one more hour before we need to vacate the room. I'll let Midoriya sleep for a while....

*What a cutie

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*What a cutie. He takes great care of his boyfriend.

*More to come!

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