Bath Time Bubbles (Part 1)

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The two lovers fall asleep for an hour after intercourse cuddling each other all the way through. Shoto is the first one who wakes up, slipping quietly out of bed, trying his hardest not to wake up Deku, who sleeps peacefully on his side.

I know they have a Jacuzzi in here. Maybe we should make use of it.

Shoto finds his slippers, walking quietly into the bathroom, turning on the tap in the Jacuzzi, blocking the drain with the built-in metal plug. While the water falls, Shoto finds a pair of soft bath robes, taking one for himself, carrying one over to the bed for Deku, who breathes lightly still. He has only flipped the other way, relaxing on his opposite side. As Shoto waits for the bath to fill, he browses through the love hotel menus, stumbling upon a list of bath toys.

Isn't this place meant for adults only? Hm. Guess it won't hurt to revisit childhood. Ah. What am I thinking? My childhood... was not the best....

Shoto remembers the traumatic events from his childhood, the most vivid one being when his own mother poured boiling water over his left eye all because of his controlling father, Endeavor. Shoto shakes his head to remove those memories from his mind.

Come to think of it, I don't believe I've ever taken a bath with rubber ducks before. These ones even light up.

Shoto orders the light-up rubber ducks and walks into the bathroom, making sure the water doesn't overflow. The height of the water is almost at the top edge of the Jacuzzi, so Shoto stops the water. Then, the telltale knocks happen again, one to signal that someone is dropping an order off, followed by one more shortly thereafter, signaling that the order is complete. To his surprise, Shoto finds Deku sitting upright, snuggled deep inside the pillows as he makes his way to the room door.

"What was that knock, Todoroki-kun? D-did you order more food?"

"No. It was for something completely different, Midoriya. There is more to a love hotel than food." Deku watches as Shoto returns with a plastic bag filled with rubber ducks, all including several LEDs.

"A-are those... rubber ducks? I haven't seen those since my mom gave me bubble baths as a child." Deku remembers those times when his mother, Inko, filled up their bath tub with piles of bubbles, so many that young Deku almost disappeared under them.

Ah.... The good old days.... I wish I could take a bubble bath right now....

"Come on, Midoriya. I have given you a bath robe, which is sitting on your side of the bed. Then, meet me in the bathroom." Deku spots the white bath robe, easing himself out of bed, finding his slippers, which Shoto had thoughtfully placed on his own side of the bed. When he touches the complimentary bath robe, Deku gets lost in its softness, stroking it as if it were a fluffy cat.

I can't believe how soft this material is. I have never owned something this soft in my entire life, but I know this is only a rental.... I'd better enjoy it while I can....

"What's taking so long, Midoriya? Is it so hard to put on a bath robe?" Shoto calls from the bathroom, already done cleaning his body before entering the Jacuzzi. Soon enough, Deku arrives, all covered up in his bath robe.

"I-I'm sorry, Todoroki-kun. I... just couldn't get over the softness of this robe.... It's very soft." Shoto giggles at his boyfriend's randomness, untying the knot made in the front of Deku's robe.

I kinda feel out of place over here. Todoroki-kun is wearing nothing at all....

In a moment, Deku stands with nothing on, feeling the need for the toilet.

"H-hold on, Todoroki-kun. N-nature is calling me."

"Go ahead, Midoriya. I will be waiting right here." As Deku makes his way to the toilet room, Shoto adds some of those rubber ducks, turning them on one by one. The he then adds some specially labeled bubble bath, swirling it around with his left arm, adding more heat to the bath at same time. Two minutes later, Deku returns, taking off his robe, placing it on the sink counter behind him before entering the Jacuzzi room.

"Here, Midoriya. Rince yourself off a bit and then come join me in the tub." Deku nods, taking a seat on the wash stool, using the nearest bar of soap, collecting the suds, rubbing them all over his body. Shoto sits in the tub, only his neck and head visible, due to the tall pile of bubbles.

So this is why Todoroki-kun got out of bed before me. He's prepared a bubble bath!

*More to come!

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