Chap 1: the lurking creature

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Jungkook lurked in the shadows, hiding in the dark were he felt comfortable, safe. He was stalking his prey, repeating this ritual that's become so natural. To the blind eye he looks like your average young man wondering the lonely streets at night. But he was not, he was not a innocent man nor a good one. He was a predator, a creature of the night that feasted on the fear of others.

His footsteps echoed through the calm silence, careful to keep his distance. The women before him wore pointed heels, they stomped hard against the cement ground. It was late, to late for anyone to notice the peculiarities of what he was doing. There was no one around, no one to hear her screams, the crushing sound of her skull caving in by the brutality he hits her with a metal rod.

"Please! Please leave me alone!" Her piercing screams slice the night, her heels snapping under her as she runs.

Jungkook kept the cool which resonated off him like a thick mist. He didn't run, chase after her because he knew she couldn't escape, slip from his grasp. He had her, there was no where to run, no one to call. It was just them, the predator and his prey.

"You deserve this, you fucking deserve this." His voice was emotionless, cruel and those words were the last thing she heard before the disgusting crack of her skull as he brought the bar down, splitting the side of her head open.

Just as quick as it happened he made it all disappear, ridding himself of all causes that could link him to this crime. He drags her limp, disfigured body through the rotting woods. Using his haunting imagination he tore her lifeless body to shreds. Sawing at her flesh, ripping her apart until there was nothing left to recognise. Once he was done, he carelessly wondered back to his car, removing his blood stained clothing, replacing it with a clean new pair. He got into his car, driving away from the scene like nothing happened, as if he didn't just brutalise an innocent women moments before.

Jimin sat on the couch, curled up into the blanket with his son cuddled into him. It was a Friday night, it was traditional to have a movie night filled with chocolate, popcorn and a classic movie. Every time Jimin would hope Jungkook would be home in time for the family tradition. But he never could, the same empty excuse that work needed him always kept him delayed. It never used to be this way, Jungkook used to always make time for his family, arrive home smiling with a pizza in hand ready for movie night.

It scared him, sent his paranoia ragged that Jungkook was cheating, leaving him at night to visit his lover. But whenever he asked, fought for answers Jungkook would some how wriggle out of it. Became loving, cuddle him, grope him then they'd end up making love and forget the fight which never got to start.

Jimin began drifting in and out of sleep, his bed calling him, enticing him in. With heavy eyes he switches off the television, flicking off the dim lamp which lit the cosy living room. He picks up his sleeping beauty of a son, he not budging one bit as Jimin carries him to his bedroom. He laid him down gently, draping him in his duvet. His son squirms slightly, moaning before returning to his precious slumber.

"Night sweetie, I love you Bailey." He kisses the top of his delicate head, rubbing his hair before drifting out the room.

Jimin sighed sadly when his eyes gazed to the empty bed. Jungkook wasn't home, he would have to sleep by himself once again. He hated this, hated this drift that was seeming to only grow bigger between them. It made his heart ache, he was afraid what this meant for their family, their relationship. He loved him so much, he was his first and only love. He couldn't imagine living without him, raising their son without him.

Jimin grudgingly slips into the cold bed, his hand resting on the empty space which should hold his beautiful husband. He looked to the side with sadness, wondering what went wrong, why was he going to bed without his husband. Before he dwelled on it more he decided to push his feelings away, he needed his sleep, he was exhausted. His eyes closed, the darkness shrouding him, hiding his broken heart through sleep.

Jungkook drove his car up their long driveway, parking it beside his husbands. He gets out the car, sucking in a breath as he knew he was late, had missed movie night. He carefully opens the front door, dropping his work case by the entrance. Removing his jacket he walks into the living room, seeing it was empty he heads into his sons. Going to his bed where he laid so beautifully, looking adorable with the little pout he had as he dreamt.

"I'm sorry bud I missed it, Daddy was caught up. I promise to make it up to you." Jungkook pulled the duvet which had fallen slightly back over his body, kissing his cheek before leaving to head to his.

Jungkook stops at the door, admiring his beautiful husband that laid in bed looking utterly stunning even in his sleep. Jungkook begins to unbutton his shirt, throwing it to the floor. He unhooked his belt, yanking down his pants so he was only left in his boxers. He crawls onto the bed, slipping in beside Jimin to wrap his strong arms around his slender waist. He pulls Jimin's small body in, letting it rest against his own. His chin sat on his shoulder, nostrils inhaling his sweet scent he's always found so alluring.

"Where were you? You missed it again, Bailey and I waited for you." Jimin spoke, he hadn't slept, he couldn't when the warmth beside him he should've had wasn't there.

"I'm sorry baby, I know I promised. I'll make it up to you okay?" Jungkook delicately planted his lips on Jimin's soft neck, leaving wet kisses which he knew Jimin would melt too.

"You say that every time." Jimin mumbled, he wanted to fight, scream at him for being so distant but he was scared, he hated when they were mad at each other, when they wouldn't speak.

Jungkook ignores his words, continuing to suck at his skin, nipping at it. His fingers massaged his sides, playing with the hem of his loose pants. Jungkook was horny, killing always brought out the beast in him and only Jimin could help relieve his need.

"Not now Jungkook, I'm still mad." Jimin tries prying his hands off but he wouldn't budge.

Jungkook only tightened his hold, desperate for him, for his delicious body. His lips trailed down his neck, towards his shoulder. Jimin squirms in his touch, trying to hide his pleasurable moans because he didn't want to give in like he always does.

"Jungkook stop seriously, I'm not in the mood." Jimin pushes him but Jungkook doesn't move, flipping him onto his back.

"Come on Jimin, I don't like going to bed mad. I want to show you how sorry I am." Jungkook ran his hand down his chest, feeling his muscles tense at his touch.

Jimin closes his eyes, to tired to argue, to stop him when he couldn't deny he loved his touch, his groping. Jungkook left wet, soft kisses down his torso. His hands played with the hem of his loose fitting pants, tugging them down teasingly.

"I love you Jimin, you know that right? I love you and Bailey so much, I promise to make it up to you." He went to hover over him, running his hand down his tender cheek.

Jimin chews on his plump lip, gazing into his dark, galaxy eyes. They always managed to trap him, lure him in and make him forget he was ever angry.

"I love you too Jungkook." Jimin brushes back a stray hair which fell, caressing Jungkook's cheek.

If only Jimin knew of the real man Jungkook was, the monster which feasted inside him. Would he still be able to love him? Be able to look at him with the same adoring gaze he always does.

Jungkook wasn't what he seemed, he wasn't the family man, the loving husband, kind neighbour he lead everyone to believe. He was a psychopath, a murderer with no empathy for others, no remorse for the deaths he caused. It was all a game to him, fun which brought him nothing but pleasure.

Hello again🤪 guess who couldn't keep away from psycho Jikook!!

Hope you like this new serial killer book, I thought I should start another one seeing as Arrest me is now over😭 be prepared for twists & turns, darkness & of course smut smut smut

Love you my psycho bunnies 🐰

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