Chap 6: night we meet

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Jungkook laid there wide awake, admiring Jimin's sleeping form next to him. How his lips parted so beautifully when those soft snores slipped his lips he loved so much. Or the way his hair draped over his forehead and when he would brush it back Jimin would make this gorgeous moaning sound. Jimin was absolutely stunning, Jungkook could stare at him for hours and never grow tried. There weren't many things that made Jungkook's heart flutter or make him feel any real emotion but Jimin could, he broke through his steal heart along with Bailey when he was brought into their lives.

He would do anything for Jimin, he loved him to the point where if he left him Jungkook wouldn't survive. They've been together since senior year of high school, Jungkook was a jock while Jimin was a drama nerd. They were the talk of the school, most popular couple that everyone throne after.

Jungkook felt like the most luckiest guy, he got the heartthrob that ruled the school. He could gladly call Jimin his, no one could touch him. The night they meet would forever be engraved into his memory. They were both so very drunk well Jimin more so than Jungkook, at some party on Halloween. It was Jungkook's favourite time of year, a time where he could be whoever he want. It was the only time where the monsters could come out and play without fear of being outcast. He could be whoever he wanted and he knew exactly who that was.

Jungkook came dressed as Charles Manson, with the long shabby hair, cotton button up shirt and even the famous beard. He was quite proud of it, looked the spitting image of him if he was Korean obviously. He did think about coming as Ted Bundy but changed his mind last minute.

Jimin however came as a Cow boy, had the hat, leather pants and fake gun holstered to his side. He'd always dreamt of becoming a cow boy when he was a kid. Though now he realised how unrealistic that was but still nonetheless loved dressing up imaging he was one.

"What are you supposed to be?" Jimin asked the stranger in front of him, he'd gone into the kitchen to grab another drink only to find someone with a fake beard just standing in the kitchen.

"I'm Charles Manson - let me guess a cow boy?" The strangers eyes rake over Jimin's body, Jimin snorts at his costume.

"Seriously? You chose to be a psychotic cult leader for Halloween when you could be anything in the entire world." Jimin laughs while he gets a drink, finding it strange but certainly unique.

"What can I say, nothing else seemed appealing. Plus I heard there was a costume contest and no way would I lose as this." Jungkook flicks his hands up and down his body, making Jimin laugh even more.

"Guess that's true, it's kinda cool. You look a lot like him." Jimin takes in his appearance proper look, finding that he did do him very well.

"The names Jungkook, what's yours cutie?" Jungkook found himself immediately falling for him, his charm, sparkling eyes and that gorgeous slim waist matched with those thick thighs sent his mouth drooling.

"Jimin." He bites his lip at the nickname, feeling his skin heat up at Jungkook's thirsty stare.

"How come I haven't seen you around here before Jimin? I'd definitely know if I saw you around, you're hard to miss." Jungkook licked his lips unconsciously, his eyes wouldn't stop piercing into the boy.

"You've clearly not been looking hard enough, I've been here my whole life. But I know who you are, quarter back Jungkook." Jimin takes a sip of his lukewarm beer, Jungkook snorts at his remark.

"What else do you know about me Jimin? I'm more than just a quarter back." Jungkook leans closer to him, breaking the little distance they had.

Jimin pretends to think for a moment, recollecting what he has heard or knows about him.

"Well I know you're a player, every girl wants you, always talking about you during class, raving about how hot you are." Jimin rolled his eyes, the girls in some of his classes were horny bastards.

"Do you not think I'm hot?" Jungkook fakes being hurt, Jimin scoffs.

"Not with that beard no." Jungkook acts shocked, reaching up to touch his glued on facial hair.

"I have you know I look great, with or without a beard I'm always sexy." Jungkook winks at him, Jimin chuckles before taking another sip.

"Whatever you say, but you've obviously drunk to much if you believe that." Jimin cockily glances at him, only to find Jungkook smiling brightly.

"Tell me something about you then Jimin, seeing as you know so much about me." Jungkook inches even closer, putting his half empty cup down.

"There's nothing to know, I'm just the weird kid who happened to hit puberty and become somewhat good looking." Jimin shrugs, his whole life no one really noticed him that was until the fateful age of fifteen when he started filling out, puberty was very kind to him.

"I wouldn't say that, you're gorgeous, there's no somewhat about it." Jungkook confidently placed his rough hand on his soft cheek, Jimin looks at him confused.

"I'm sorry I never noticed you before, I can be blind sometimes. But I want to clarify something, I am not a player. I don't even like girls, they actually disgust me, I can't even bring myself to kiss one. Guys are more my thing, or should I say a guy like you." Jungkook pulls him in, brushing his thumb over his cheek.

"You don't even know me, how could I possibly be your type?" Jimin's lips ghosted his own, their were so close they were practically breathing the same air.

"Why don't I get to know you? Let's ditch this party it sucks anyway, go back to mine?" Jungkook leans back slightly, a sweet enticing smile on his pretty lips.

Jimin had to admire his confidence, he did like that in a man. And the party was getting dull, all his friends were either drunk off their ass's or getting off with someone. So what did he have to lose, going off with the hottest guy in school sounded to good to miss.

"You okay to drive?" Jimin asked, Jungkook could've jumped for joy, quickly nodding his head, he was only drinking water, didn't like the taste of alcohol nor the idea of not having a clear head.

"I'm parked just outside." Jungkook without hesitation takes his hand, dragging Jimin through the crowd of drunk teenagers towards the front door.

Jimin laughs the entire way, being taken to his black Nissan which like he said was parked right outside. Jungkook opened the car door for him, Jimin raised an eyebrow.

"Why am I not surprised you've got a rich kid car, bloody quarter backs." He hops in the passenger seat, Jungkook slams it shut, getting in the other side.

"I promise you won't regret, we're going to have so much fun." Jungkook sneaks his hand onto Jimin's thigh, giving it a soft squeeze before driving away.

Jimin smiles at his smooth action, finding himself reaching out, resting his hand on top of his. His little fingers intertwine with his slender ones, making Jungkook smile with satisfaction. This was the start of their love story, the beginning to the long road they have shared together. Jungkook couldn't have been more ecstatic, Jimin was everything he needed, wanted in a person. That night they meet was the best night of his life, meeting Jimin gave him a reason to love, to harbour feelings that any normal person should have. Since that night he became overly protective of Jimin, making it clear to anyone who gave even the subtlest of looks that he was his.

Jimin was his and would always be, nothing could change that.

Awww little flashback to how these lovebirds meet, might do some more to give you a bit clearer insight to Jungkook.

Love you my psycho bunnies 🐰

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