Chap 15: Bad Thoughts

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The horrific screams from a terrified women sting the midnight air, marking it with a cruel stain. It was ecstasy to his ears. It was the perfect lullaby that sang through his head every night and day. He scrapes his knife along the ageing stone, a menacing smile twisted to his lips. He laughs gleefully, stalking his prey as she clumsily hobbles down the alleyway. He had caught her outside a club, one well known to be shady in its running. So he knew no one would pay notice to him, everyone around these parts were doing illegal things, what was one more.

"Please! Someone help me!" She screams at the top of her lungs, her throat burning as she does.

"Screaming's useless you know that? No ones going to hear and even if they do they won't care." Jungkook chuckles lightly, grin so sinister in its wake.

He felt his heart pounding, the desire to kill rushing through his veins like poison. He began to salivate at the idea of slicing this girls throat, seeing the blood gush out, soak his hands in red. The look of fear in her eyes was arousing, she looked utterly terrified, scared for her life. That was the best part. They always begged for their lives, pleaded with him as if he had any mercy.

"Please don't kill me! Please I'm begging you!" She begins to sob, her back pressed up against the brick wall as she reaches the end of the alleyway.

Jungkook snarks, scoffing at her as if she was pathetic for begging him. They must know he's going to kill them, that they're going to die no matter what they say. Once he had laid eyes on his victim their fates were sealed. No one could escape his deadly grasp, no one.

"You're fucking disgusting." Jungkook swiftly grips her neck, pushing her cheek harshly against the rough brick.

Without thought he begins plunging the knife into her stomach. He continues this over and over again, pushing the knife in deeper every time. Blood begins to splatter out her lips, coughing up more as the torment goes on. Jungkook begins to lose count of the amount of times he's stabbed her, getting lost in his own lust and anger.

After his hands were soaked in her blood, the blade beginning to dull. He roughly pulls the knife out of her torn up stomach, her lifeless body drops to the floor. He tilts his head, his cold eyes starting down at her mangled corpse. He could see the life fading away, the glimmer in those pearly blues disappear. It was hauntingly beautiful. It made his blood pump, forcing a pleasurable slither down his spine.

This was what kept him alive, kept his heart beating through his vile veins. He needed the thrill, the excitement that at any moment someone may stubble across his masterpiece. He loved the idea of being caught, loved the fame that would follow him.

He takes in a deep breathe, savouring this sweet moment before he silently fades into the depths of the night.


Bailey fusses in his lap, wailing loudly as Jimin tries to calm him down. He wasn't sure what made him so upset. He tried swaying him back and forth, reading him a story but nothing seemed to work.

"Bailey...please just go to sleep." Jimin whines at him, so drained from his day.

"Can I try?" There was a light tap on the wall, Yoongi loitering by the door.

Jimin's eyebrow raised, looking at him sceptically as he didn't think he liked children very much. Yoongi walks further into the room, gummy smile on those glossy lips.

"Oh? Umm sure?" He passes the fussy Bailey over, Yoongi gladly takes him.

"Hey little guy, my names Yoongi. It's very nice to meet you." He rocks the child back and forth, his fingers gently holding his tiny little hand.

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