Chap 10: nothing can tear us apart

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Jungkook didn't sleep a wink, couldn't fall into the dark abyss that seemed so tempting. He sat hunched over, feet dangling off the side of the bed, elbows resting on his delicious thighs. Jimin slept peacefully beside him, content and unwavering from his blissful slumber. He couldn't stop the vicious fantasies from invading his dreams. Couldn't rid his psychotic thoughts about murdering every woman he'd seen that day. Every woman he fantasized about killing-strangling, slitting their throats smothered his mind.

Every time he closed his eyes they were there, taunting him with their seductive charm or treacherous ways. It sickened him, he desperately wanted to wipe those flirtatious smirks of those disgusting lips of theirs. Laugh at them as they bleed out, make sure the last thing they saw was him smiling down at them. Eyes sparkling the moment they breathe their last breath.

No matter how hard he tried, wanted the inhuman thoughts to leave they never would. He couldn't change what he was, couldn't stop the urges his instincts begged him to accept. His soul was rotten, tainted in this sinful lust for blood. The colour, the texture, the smell of it soothed him-relaxed him like a day at the spa.

Nothing felt quite like it, like the exhilarating rush of adrenaline that pumped through his veins after he killed. It was almost like an addiction, a habit he just couldn't seem to quit. The death toll he tallied ranked in the tens, a dozen helpless women must've fallen at his merciless hand. The amount of blood he'd shed could drown you in it's deathly pool. But he couldn't stop there, his thirst for blood hasn't been quenched.

Jungkook glances over his shoulder, admiring the beauty that is his sleeping husband. He laid on his side, head resting delicately on the pillow, hair falling over his face. He looked ethereal, an angel ripped right out of heaven. He reaches for him, gently tracing the back of his fingers down the softness of his cheeks. Jimin doesn't react, to sunken in his slumber to wake from his touch. Jungkook couldn't keep his wicked gaze off him, devouring the beauty Jimin held. He truly was remarkable, one of a kind, a rare gem he's lucky to have.

Jungkook sat in the library, twiddling his pencil between his thumb and forefinger. He rested his chin on his palm, growing bored as his brain numbed. His eyes were unable to focus on the books in front of him, to fixated on the gorgeous boy beside him.

"Are you listening to me Kook? If you want to ace this exam you need to focus." Jimin interrupts him from his daze, noticing he was lost somewhere else.

"I am! I am! But it's so hard when my tutor is distracting me with his beauty." Jungkook teases him, playing cute for his precious boyfriend.

Jimin rolls his eyes playfully, shaking his head causing his fluffy hair to bounce. He points to the half finished essay Jungkook has barely made an effort to complete.

"Finish your essay Kook, you've got to get it done before friday. The exam is next week, you need to pass it if you want to get into college." Jimin scolds him, telling him off as he knew how important this was to him if he ever wanted the chance to go to medical school.

Jungkook groans, not wanting to do any more studying as he felt like his brain might explode. The lack of sleep and constant consumption of red bulls were toying with his mind.

"Okay your majesty, I'll finish it but then can we go back to yours and have some fun?" Jungkook grazes his teeth on the tenderness of his lower lip, eyes lighting with a sinful fire.

Jimin has to laugh, Jungkook had a dirty mind but he loved him for it. He pretends to contemplate for a moment, weighing out his options.

"Only if you stay focused and actually finish the essay not just doodle like you always do." Jimin needed to be hard on him or he wouldn't pass his exams.

Jungkook pouts at the hard bargain but nonetheless agrees, promising he would do his utmost best. He really wanted to do well, going into medicine was the only reason he cared about school. Why he focused in classes, knowing he needed the grades to become anaesthetist.

After what felt like an eternity Jungkook finally finished his essay, pleasing smile from Jimin when he read through it. They walk out the library, Jungkook's eyes catching onto a dark haired woman sitting alone wearing a skimpy cheer leader uniform. She smiles at him, tempted to give the star quarterback a cheeky wink but stops herself when Jungkook glares at her with his deathly eyes. A part of him wanted to go over there and wipe that smirk right off her lips, strangle her to death with her own knitted jumper. But he holds himself back, keeping his blood thirst at bay as now wasn't the time nor the place to quench it.

"Why don't we ever go back to yours? Do you not want me to meet your parents? Are you ashamed of me?" Jimin asked as they walked, getting into Jungkook's car parked just outside the school.

Jungkook clenched his jaw, snapping his tongue in an attempt to ease the anger boiling up inside him at the mention of his parents. They weren't worthy of the word. He had no idea who his father was, not even a name. His mother couldn't even give him that, she knew nothing of the man who got her pregnant. Could've been any number of men who came sluncking through her door. She disgusted him-his mother. He hated her with every fibre of his being.

"It's not that baby, I could never be ashamed of you. It's just my mum's insane and my home isn't a place I want to bring you. I don't want you seeing that side of my life." Jungkook resorted to a gentle lie, though the part about his mother being insane wasn't wrong.

Jimin chews on his lip, feeling guilty forever asking or doubting Jungkook's feelings towards him. He should've known he'd never be ashamed of him, should learn when to keep his trap shut. So in a sympathetic act of affection he sneaks his hand over, sliding it on top of Jungkook's large overbearing one. He tangles their fingers together, squeezing lightly.

"I'm sorry Kook, I really am. I shouldn't have asked, just know you've got me know. I'm your family." Jimin lovingly stares at him, Jungkook glances at him smiling as he brings his hand up and kisses it.

"That you are baby, my family." Jungkook liked the sound of that, Jimin was his family, his one and only.

Jimin giggles and munches away on the freshly popped popcorn sitting on his lap. Jungkook enjoyed the blissful sound, finding soulless in it among the many things Jimin did that he loved. Jimin had to have been the first person in his life he actually loved, found contemptment with. He was given the love he never received from his mother, felt cherished by the gorgeous man beside him. Jimin gave him a chance to feel real human emotions, something he could never have imagined he would.

"Do you think we'll stay together when you go off to university? What if we get into different ones?" Jimin speaks his mind, letting his fears of losing what they have linger in the air.

Jungkook blinks at him, cocking his head to the side to get a better look at Jimin who sat curled up next to him on the couch.

"What are you talking about baby? That will never happen, we're going to be together for the rest of our lives." Jungkook squeezes him in, running his thumb on the softness of his cheek.

"You promise? I really love you Kook, so much." Jimin leans, eyes softening into mush.

"I promise baby, nothing's going to tear us apart." Jungkook closes the miniscule gap between their lips, gripping onto the edge of his chin their lips intertwined.


This Jungkook might be a little more obsessed with Jimin than Arrest me Jungkook is

Love you my honeybuns 

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