Chap 7: my secret

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Jimin wakes up to the blaring sound of his phone ringing, he begrudgingly reaches over, fumbling to find it. Jungkook feels him move about in his arms, he groans as he's still half asleep. He squeezes Jimin's slim waist, not wanting him to leave his grip.

"Jimin baby- turn it off." Jungkook's breath tickles his neck, Jimin grabs his phone.

He flips it over, seeing the caller ID as Yoongi his tried mind wakes up. It must be important if the sheriff is calling him. He said he'd only call if he needed him or if there was a development in the case.

"I have to answer it, it's Yoongi." Jimin leans over, glancing back at him.

Jungkook frowns, he didn't know who Yoongi was and didn't like that Jimin seemed so eager to talk to this man.

"Whose Yoongi?" Jungkook asked bluntly, Jimin noticed the sudden change in his demeanour.

"He's the sheriff, I work with him now." Jimin doesn't wait for a response, pushing him away to answer it before it stopped ringing.

Jungkook froze for a moment, taking in what he just said.

Did he just say sheriff? He's working with the fucking sheriff.

"Hello Yoongi? What is it?" Jimin hooks his leg over the side, feet touching the carpet.

"There's been another murder, I'm guessing you'd want to know right? For the story, I'm not going to let you come to the crime scene but you can meet me at the station." Yoongi sounded drained through the phone, clearly these early morning deaths were getting to him.

Jimin's eyes widen, shocked to hear that there's already been another killing. There had just been one, how could this killer work so quickly.

"What! You can't be serious? There's been another one? I'm on my-." He doesn't get to finish, Jungkook had yanked the phone out of his hand, ending the call immediately.

"Jungkook what the hell!" Jimin yells at him, reaching for the phone but Jungkook pulls away.

"Why are you talking with a sheriff? I don't want you anywhere near those deaths, what if you get hurt? Did you even think about your family?" Jungkook screams at him, Jimin stares at him completely lost as to why he was so mad.

"What are you talking about? Why are you so mad? I'm just doing a story on the killings, I'm not going to get hurt. Your being stupid Jungkook." Jimin scoffs at him, standing up off the bed.

Jungkook gets up too, the thought of Jimin getting involved with his little antics never occurred to him. Didn't think he'd ever see the extent of what he is capable of and it terrified him-the thought of Jimin discovering who he was so of course he wasn't taking the news well that he is doing a god damn story of the murders he's committed.

"I'm not being stupid, I'm being a husband. I just want you safe and doing a story on this psycho could get you killed! You don't know what this guys capable of." Jungkook felt frustrated, panicked almost that Jimin was going to delve into a secret he's kept hidden for almost ten years.

Jungkook laid with his back against the headboard of his bed, Jimin lay sprawled out with his head resting on his thighs. Jungkook combs his fingers through his hair, admiring his beautiful face.

"Jungkook? Why don't you ever talk about your mother?" Jimin lightly glances at him, Jungkook stiffens slightly before relaxing.

"Because I don't like thinking about her, she wasn't a mother Jimin. She was nothing but a deadbeat good for nothing whore who deserved everything she got. I hated her." Jungkook's fingers tighten in Jimin's hair, it beginning to hurt slightly.

"Kook-you're hurting me." Jimin winced when his nails dug into his scalp, Jungkook immediately stops at his pained voice.

"Sorry, just don't mentioned my mother again okay? It brings back bad memories." Jungkook strokes his delicate hair, trying to soothe the pain he caused.

Jimin just nods his head, deciding to listen as it clearly made Jungkook upset. And he hated it when Jungkook was upset, he'd turn into someone else-someone he didn't like.

Jungkook leans down, kissing the top of his forehead as a thank you. He didn't want to go back to those dark times, to when his mother ruled his life. She wasn't worthy of being called a mother, she never did anything to deserve it.

The bruising, the beatings he took because of her would never be forgotten. How she would let strangers in out of their homes at any hour of the night, not caring what they did to him. No. She just cared about the money they gave her, to touch her, to fuck if it meant she was able to buy more drugs. Most of the memories he had of his mother was her being high. He can't remember a single moment of his life where she was sober.

That's why she never noticed when her clients didn't leave, weren't quite satisfied or wanted more but she was to out of it to give them. They'd turn to him, he being the only other outlet for their needs, their disgusting desires which no young boy should have to fulfil.

All he could imagine when he thought of his mother was her in those ugly stilettos, that long dark hair that curled at the end and slutty outfit she'd always where, the one that showed off her legs or her assets as she so called it. She brought on this morphed view of women, of seeing them as these blood sucking creatures only hell bent on sucking the life out of any man caught in their web.

He hated women, despised them to the core that no matter who kind or innocent a women was all he could see was his mother standing before him. The day she died, killed by drug overdose was the best most bittersweet moment of his life.

He was happy she was dead but somehow sad it wasn't because of his hand. He wanted to be the one to kill her, suck the life out of her like she did to him all his life. He needed to be the one but he didn't get that chance. It wasn't fair, he deserved that, the gratification of killing his own mother. But he didn't get that, why didn't he get that? Even that his mother had to take away from him, the one thing that would bring him joy-peace she couldn't even let him have that.

So that's why he kills, hopes by killing those women it might bring him that feeling, feeling of euphoria that he should've felt if he killed his mother. Though as of yet he hasn't, he's come close but has never quite got there. Don't misunderstand, he enjoys killing those women, the feeling is exhilarating but he never got that spark he's looking for. But maybe if he keeps hunting he'll finally find the one, the one that will fulfil his need. He just needed to find the one kill who would set him free, free from his mother whose been constantly haunting him since the day she died. Even in death she could still hurt him and he wanted it to stop even if that meant killing every last women who crosses his path.

Ohh little background to Jungkook & why he's so psycho with killing women. You were all right, it has something to do with his mother.

Love you my psycho bunnies 🐰

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