Chap 4: my pleasure

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Jungkook wondered down the hall in his dark green scrubs. A wicked smile laced his thick lips, he was happy, today had been a good day. His first patient died on the table, he had to hide his glee because that could've been seen as rather psychotic. But he was happy, the patient was a young women who insisted on wearing makeup even during surgery. He hated women like that, so enveloped by their own narcissism it sickened him.

There were so many reasons for him to hate women, to many for him to count. He despised everything about them, how they act, dress, talk. The way they think they can do what they want, lure men, trick them into doing their bidding because they're beautiful and deserve it.

Jungkook whistled softly, mind drifting off to his next victim. He wasn't to sure on who yet but his shift finished at seven so he still had time to figure that out. He was thinking of branching out, maybe go for a man. Women were usually his forte, just something about them made his skin crawl, tingle with excitement. He couldn't get enough pleasure from it, from watching them scream, cry as he killed them. Battered their skulls in, slit their throats, strangled them. It was pure ecstasy to him, euphoric even.

But he was itching to try something new, he's been having fantasies lately. They've been so vivid, so realistic he had to make them come true. He hasn't been able to get them out of his mind, they've trapped him in this haze that won't lift until he's fulfilled his fantasy.

Some even of him strangling Jimin, watching him struggle, writhe underneath him, tears streaming down his cheeks. Though he never kill him, he couldn't-would't ever do that. But he could not deny he liked the idea of hurting him; only a little though.

He would never truly hurt him, not enough to leave bruises. He'd only lightly touch him, enough for him to be gasping, lightly choking. Then he'd make love to him, keep his hands wrapped around his throat while he devoured his naked body. It would be rough yet gentle, he'd savour every moment.

He grips the side of a Jimin's hair, pushing him roughly to the bed. He falls flat on his back, grunting softly from the impact. Jungkook was quick with removing his shirt, lifting it off over his shoulders. He then swiftly helped remove Jimin's, yanking aggressively at his buttons.

"Jungkook slow down-." Jimin giggles, being man handled by his husband.

Jungkook doesn't listen, throwing his torn up shirt to the floor. He goes back to looming over his smaller figure, cold fingers running down his bare chest. Jimin shivers at his touch, back arching, hands clutching the sheets.

"So beautiful Jimin, you're so gorgeous." Jungkook leans down, his thick lips brushing against his hot skin.

Jimin moans at his husky voice, hands going up to touch him but Jungkook stops him, gripping his wrists, pushing them back on the bed.

"Ah ah ahh baby, no touching." Jungkook teases, using his free hand to slip into his pants.

Jimin's breath hitches, eyes rolling back gently, mouth hanging open. Jungkook hungrily yanks down his pants, chucking them carelessly away. He stands up, admiring the beauty before him. Biting his lip he goes to the draw, taking out a thin silk rope.

"You look beautiful Jimin, utterly breathtaking. Do you know that?" Jungkook rests his knees on the soft bed, teasingly making his way towards him.

Jimin begins squirming around like a fish out of water. Tears brimming on those deliciously milky eyes, lips painted a powerful red. Jungkook plays with a silk rope in his slender fingers, standing at the foot of the bed with a tense smirk.

Jimin winces when he suddenly feels the thin rope wrapping around his throat. Jungkook squeezes the rope tighter, licking his lips at the gorgeous sight.

"Ah-Ahh Kook!" Jimin tries pushing him away, hands pressing against his chin but Jungkook was solid as a rock.

Jungkook presses down harder, breathing heavy, teeth grinding. Jimin with hazy eyes look up at him, hurt circling them, fear only rising as he didn't recognise the man above him.

"K-Kook Stop!" Jimin chokes, not liking the roughness, he couldn't breathe, he couldn't breath.

"Shh just a little longer baby, I promise you will like it." Jungkook could feel the arousal only growing, cock twitching in his suffocatingly tight pants.

Jimin grits his teeth, neck veins popping, skin twisting into a hot red. His legs thrash about, trying anything to loosen the tight hold he has around his throat.

"K-Kook..Ahh!" Jimin felt terrified, he wasn't sure if he was going to stop.

"I'm not going to kill you Jimishi- I love you remember?" Jungkook leant down, easing off slightly much relief to Jimin.

Just as Jimin gasps desperately for air, Jungkook captures his lips with his. His tongue dominated, sliding into his wet cavern. He was perfect, Jimin was everything he needed, wanted.


Jimin nervously walks into the police station, this place always made him anxious. He wasn't the best kid, getting in trouble for underage drinking or skipping school to ride around. He'd never been arrested but enough for his parents to be called to come pick him up. He felt like whenever he was here he was in trouble, like he'd suddenly be put into handcuffs.

"Umm hi? I'm Jimin, I'm supposed to be meeting the sheriff." Jimin awkwardly comes up to the front desk, smiling at the man behind it.

"Sheriff Min Yoongi?" He tilted his head, a cute grin on his lips.

"Yes. Yes that's him." Jimin nods his head, the cop behind the desk does something.

The door leading into the main office opens, a short man wearing a sheriffs badge and large hat walks in.

"Hello you must be Park Jimin I believe?" He comes towards him, holding his hand out.

"Yes, Min Yoongi of course." Jimin shakes his hand, both gently smiling.

"Thanks Hoseok, come we'll talk in my office." He gently touched his back, showing him the way.

Hoseok watched them leave, not forgetting to check out Jimin's ass when he leaves. Yoongi opens the door to his quant office, directing him to take the seat in front of his desk.

"So, I've never actually done this before. I'm not usually a fan of the press or reporters but I really do need the help." Yoongi said once he sat down, stretching his arms around his neck.

Jimin chews on his lips, nodding along as he didn't quite know what to say.

"Do you have any questions? Anything you'd like to know before we start." Yoongi leant forward, removing his hat.

Jimin thought for a moment, wondering if he did have anything to ask.

"Umm yes-do you believe all these murders are connected? The one in the forest this morning, the one last week in the alleyway." Jimin shuffles around in his bag for his notepad, Yoongi watched intrigued.

"I do Mr Park-."

"Jimin please." Yoongi nods, smiling for which he seemed he just couldn't stop.

"Okay Jimin, I believe they are. Along with the one found in the dumpster and the other behind bar 101 in the city." Yoongi took out his large file case, it stuffed with several murders still unsolved.

Jimin's eyes widened, he didn't realise there were so many more.

"Wow! So we-we have a serial killer on our hands not just a killer?" Yoongi nods, Jimin couldn't believe it.

"Yup and I've got nothing, not a single thing on who might've done this. But maybe you can help? Who knows, you reporters are always good at digging up anything." Yoongi eyed him up, Jimin smiles softly, hopping he was right, that he could help stop whoever was doing this.

Ohhh its just getting juicer !! Thank you my loves for reading & loving me means the world♥️♥️

Love you my psycho bunnies 🐰

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