Chap 12: old times

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Jimin wakes up to the feeling of an empty bed, he glances over to find Jungkook's side empty and cold like it hadn't even been slept in. He sighs deflated, he'd spent another night alone with Jungkook god knows where. But the broken expression quickly twisted into one of anger and betrayal. He'd done it again straight after promising to his face he wouldn't disappear in the night again.

Jungkook was full of lies, a beautiful man who lied and deceived to his own husband. It disgusted him, made his insides coel-burn a vile smut. Why did he have to be so stupid, pathetic that he actually believed Jungkook when he promised he would change. Be a better father, a better husband. It was all he wanted, all he needed Jungkook to be is the man he married. The man he fell in love with but it seemed he was slowly slipping away, fading into a man he barely recognised.

Jimin found himself cursing his name, biting down on his tongue in a gruelling vain. A punch to the gut would've been more painful than the pain rotting his heart. Because the lies, deceit and disappearing acts could only mean one thing. Only one conclusion could explain his husbands withdrawal, his lack of existence in their family.

Jungkook was cheating on him. His husband, father to their child is destroying this family all because he couldn't keep it in his pants.

Jimin gets out of the empty bed, carelessly throwing on a robe. He storms out the room, peeking into his sons room. His eyes widen in a state of shock, his bed is empty with no young child in sight. He pushes the door completely open, scanning the room in hopes Bailey was just hiding but not a single soul lurked in the small bedroom. In an instinctive act he sprints out the room but his feet holt at the blissful sound of his sons laughter.

He moves towards the kitchen, scrunching the rope that tied around the robe tighter to steal its warmth. He stops by the doorframe, lost for words at what his eyes were seeing.

Jungkook was feeding their son, Bailey mounted on his lap being fed freshly cooked pancakes. It looked like a snapshot from one of those happy family thanksgiving pictures. Father and son bonding, sharing a blissful moment of peace filled with laughter and innocence. The anger, resentment and betrayal that pumped through his veins slowly washed out, fading immediately at the sight before him.

His husband was spending time with their son, smiling and laughing like old times. It warmed his heart, softening the blow he felt only moments ago when he woke up to an empty bed. Jungkook snaps his head to the side, smiling the most beautiful smile towards his husband who stood by the door. He bounced Bailey on the tip of his knee, earning a high pitched angelic giggle from the young boy.

"Hey there beautiful! Hope you're hungry, I've made breakfast." Jungkook has never looked more ethereal, a true father in his element.

Jimin didn't know how to react, emotions still ragged from the argument last night and waking up to an empty bed once again. He looked to his husband then his giggling, sugar high son. They were happy, his husband was happy and he couldn't ruin that.

"I'm starving." He weakly smiles, walking towards his two boys to take Bailey in his arms.

Jungkook stands up, tenderly kissing him in the forehead passing over their son. Bailey giggles and huffs, face coated in sticky maple syrup.

"Look at you. My messy baby huh?" Jimin tickles his chubby cheeks, wiping away some of the muck.

"I made your favourite baby, I'll make you a cup of coffee." Jungkook gently brushes his hand on Jimin's lower back, walking over to get him a coffee.

Jimin takes a seat, placing Bailey on his lap starting to feed him what scraps he had left. He ignores the tournament ragging in his mind, lingering thoughts clogging up his soul. He knew he needed to do something, confront his husband for the deceiving and conniving he's been doing.

Their life couldn't go on like this, not with Jimin unable to trust the man he loves most. He wanted to believe him, believe nothing was going on and it all simply is in his head. But he couldn't manage to shake the feeling Jungkook is hiding something. Something he didn't want him to know, something Jimin was terrified when he did find out what it was it might just break him.

"You look beautiful this morning Jimin, you know I was thinking we should go on a date tonight?" Jungkook places a large stack of pancakes in front of him, pouring him a large cup of bitter black coffee.

Jimin had to take a moment to let what his husband said sink in, not having the word date slip his lips in god knows how long. He couldn't deny it sounded enticing, a night alone together like the old days when they were young and carefree. He missed those times, he really did. When he was Jungkook's one priority, the only thing of importance in his life. He knew that came across selfish and narcissistic but he missed those days spent lounging around in a blissful haze doing nothing and everything.

He sometimes wished he could go back to when they were still high school sweethearts, no work or family getting in the way of them being together. When it was just them and nobody else, they had all the time in the world to be with each other.

Honeymoon faze he prayed would never end, but sadly like life it did and he was left with nothing but sleepless nights alone with a distant husband who disappeared without a trace.

"Why? We haven't been on one for months, don't you have a night shift tonight?" Jimin did want to go on a date, a night out seemed very appealing but he was sceptical about why Jungkook suddenly showed interest in doing couple things again.

"Don't worry about that, I've got it covered. I am taking you out baby, make sure to wear something nice." Jungkook wanted to take Jimin out, rekindle their love that almost slipped through his fingers.

He didn't want to lose him, he couldn't lose him because if he did, he wasn't sure what he'd do. What unforgivable act of sins he would surrender to if Jimin ever left him. Nothing scared him, not monsters or lurking creatures of the night. None of that scared him, not even death itself could frighten him.

No. The only thing that truly terrified him, sent him into a gruelling sense of fear and anxiety is Jimin leaving him. Walking out on him, leaving him lifeless and alone with nothing but his demons as company.

If that day ever came god save them all because no one would be safe from his wrath and destruction that would rain down. Blood the colour of warmth, of life. The colour which made him smile, made his heart beat like a ferocious drum in the cavity of his chest.

Death welcomed him in so naturally, an old friend known so well to him. He could never shake death, rid it from his life as it brought him joy, gave his life meaning and purpose. But he could put it aside for a night and give his life to the man he loves instead. The man he'd do anything for. The man he would kill for-would die for. 

He'd do anything for Jimin, absolutely anything. 



Love you my honeybuns 

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