Getting in Trouble

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"The scariest thing about distance is that you don't know whether they'll miss you or forget you."

You instantly duck down as soon as Namjoon turns towards your direction, heart lacking regularity when you gradually reminisce all the nostalgic memories you've once shared with this man. But you immediately put it to a stop as you remember Jin.

Because surely, these sad memories will be forgotten if Jin keeps swooping your heart.

Namjoon stands there with a jet-black suit on, hair colored with a tanned complexion of brown, and a silver ring stands out as it is looped around his finger.

A silver ring you'll never reciprocate its pair to anymore.

"What are you doing?" The same officer questions you silently, and you hastily wave him off before your head accidentally collides with the table underneath. "Oh, damn, are you okay?"

You groan as quiet as you can, "Is this enough reason to get myself out of here?" You raspily ask, fingers gently massaging the small bump that's starting to form on your head.

"You meant to do that?" His eyebrows furrow as he says this slowly, and you hesitate whether you'll tell him you intentionally bumped yourself onto the hard furniture or not, head bobbing like a machine failing to decipher something. He chuckles, "Go ahead."

You mouth him a 'thank you' as you weirdly crouch your way towards the other exit in the room. The other employees give you discreet looks, but you could care less as you focus on Namjoon's eyes that are still directed to his secretary. You do this not because you're trying to make eye contact with the man, but to prevent yourself of getting caught.

You don't even want him to spare you a look, nor to let your name slip out of his lips at this moment. Maybe it's because there's still a slight ache in your heart prior to the fact that he had left you, or maybe it's because you don't want him to see you like this.

Or maybe the reason is that you're finally over him.

All these unsure thoughts make a debate in your head, but one thing's for sure is that you're going to call the whole thing off, everything's over between the two of you and Namjoon.

Officially, and permanently, even if he doesn't know.

You don't want to keep something too difficult to handle in the bottom of your heart, while he stands there with a triumphant smile plastered onto his face, and maybe that's how he looked like when he left you.

But who cares at this point?

You know your worth.

Fortunately, luck seems to be with you as you successfully close the door behind the office. You deeply breathe in before you huff out a puff of relief, and you feel your phone vibrate against the pockets of your skirt before you take it out.

"Jung Hoseok?" You mutter, staring with furrowed eyebrows at the phone screen. "How in the world did he get my number?"

Nevertheless of the question, you respond to the sudden call, and before you could even say anything, the person behind the line beats you to it. "Y/N!" Hoseok's voice comes through the line with a painful screech and you wince, eardrums practically dead.

"I know it's our first time having a conversation through this but, you can at least start it off with a 'hi'?" You convince him to say, but Hoseok mutters out a quiet 'huh'.

"Doesn't matter, it makes it awkward." Hoseok says before he hums in the sudden silence. "Oh, now it's awkward."

"Why did you call? I thought you didn't like giving your number out to someone." Your arms mindlessly cross, phone now in between the side of your face and your clad shoulder. "A change of mind?"

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