chapter 7

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Rachel's pov

Today in English class, toby looked at his desk the whole hour, and ignored the teacher when she said something to him.

The bell rang and we ran out of the class room.

I went to his locker and waited for him there.

Then I heard people saying ticci toby,ticci ticcit toby, when finally I heard a scream.

I ran to see what happened, but all I could see was a kid looking at toby freaked out, toby walking away with his hood covering his eyes and staring at the floor walking to his locker.

What did you do toby!I demanded

He didn't reply

WHAT DID YOU DO TO THAT KID!!I demanded again, this time more harshly

Once more he didn't reply

Okay fine, you don't have to tell me,I grab the back of his hood and pull it off his head quickly and force him to look at me, that's when I see...

My eyes wide as an owls, hand covering my mouth...who, who did this to you.

No-one! he snaps back at me angrily

Toby, who did this to you.

NO-ONE! He snaps back, this time furious

Ilook at the clock and there is only a minute till class,I,am not letting you go, till you tell me who did this to you.

Then, he punched me


What was that for toby,I put my hand on my cheek where he punched me.

He was already running down the hall with his hood up, but not towards art class...

he was gonna skip school

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