a best friend

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Sorry about changing the way the chapter names are so suddenly,it wouldn't let me update, thanks for reading my book

Rachel pov

It was lunch time,almost the end of the day and I sat at the table I normally sit at, with Ella, zoe, and Abby and a few others

Oh hey Rachel zoe said in a mean tone.

Hi I said softly.

She set her tray down on the table as the others came in a pack behind her.

All of the girls were talking,I didn't talk much through most of lunch.

They started whispering into each others ears.

They all smirked at me.

Hey, Ella said, where's lover boy, huh?

What are you talking about I say trying to hide the blush burning on my cheeks.

Awww, look girls she's blushing, Ella says.

They all laughed at me.

Oh yeah ummm about sitting at our table, you aren't allowed, Abby said.

You can't do that I said holding back my tears, you guys are my best friends.

Oh yeah? Zoe said, then why were you hanging out with ticci toby then? She raised an eye brow.

DON'T CALL HIM THAT!!!I shouted out loud enough for the whole cafeteria to hear.

Why not Abby demanded.

Cause it's rude i said.

They all giggled at how furious I was getting about toby.

Your not sitting with us any more they all said all at the same time.our else.

Then the bell rang for recess.They all smirked at me.

I was walking on the grass behind the school where I wasn't supposed to be with my head facing the ground when I heard a stick crack,I looked up quickly and saw that it was just Ella,zoe,and Abby.

Oh it's just you guys I say.

They all giggled at me.

You shouldn't be so worry free about this zoe said.

And why is th-

I want able to finish before getting the wind knocked out of me.

Freak! The girls yelled before Ella pinned me against the wall and Abby and zoe started throwing rocks at me.

I thrashed in Ella grip hitting my head on the school.They just laughed.

Finally I kicked ellas leg and she fell.I ran as fast as I could towards the high way where off of that I would walk home.the bell rang so I was sure that no-one would be following me.

Once I made it to my neighborhood my parents cars weren't in the drive way so I decided to go to tobies house.

I knocked on the door and a few seconds later toby answered the door and as soon as he saw me he frowned.

I didn't realise I was all bloodied up and bruised till he asked what's wrong.he called his sister over not knowing what to do.

Lyra what do we do, he said in a scared voice.

She took a glance at me and immediately told me to come in, toby pulled me in his house and pulled me to the living room.

Add Lyra was fixing me up I told them what happened.

Done she said.

I felt so much better.

His mom walked in and smiled at me, well who is this beautiful young lady.

Oh this is Rachel toby said his pale skin turning the slightest bit pink.

Well do her parents know she is here?tobies mom asks.

No I said.

Well what is your number she said kindly.

It is (123-456-7890)

Tobies mom quickly typed it into her phone and pressed the call button.

An I hope you guys liked my longish chapter, comment please

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