Chapter 1

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In Izuku's life, it is very hard to choose what day was the absolute worst day of his life because there were so many days to choose from. The day he was diagnosed as quirkless, the day his mom just stopped caring about him, the day Kacchan stopped being his friend and turned bully, the day that same friend told Izuku to kill himself and blew up his #13 Hero Analysis journal, every day he wakes up and has to go to school while forcing a smile on his face so not to worry anyone about his measly insignificant problems. Yeah, the more you get into this list, the more depressing it gets. But today blows all those other days out of the water. Let's start at the beginning, shall we?

It started like every other day, Izuku woke up and made his way into the kitchen where his mother made him some freshly squeezed orange juice and toast with jam. His mom always got up early to make him breakfast. It was a small gesture, yes, but it always started his day off with a happy heart and full stomach.

He quickly devoured his breakfast, brushed his teeth, picked up his bag and headed to the door. Before he exited the apartment though, his mother grabbed his arm and turned him around. Ah, another constant in his life, his mother always made sure to give him a kiss on the forehead and send him off. Sure, it was very endearing but at the same time, did she have to do it every morning? He was now going to be late!

Izuku rushed down the stairs of his apartment complex and ran towards the direction of his school. Soon when he entered one of the busiest places in Mustafu, he immediately noticed a robbery going on. A giant villain with a shark-looking head was trying to get away with a rather hefty bag of cash. Then Kamui Woods appeared and trapped the villain. The villain somehow broke through his chains and started to make a run for it until Mt. Lady started a stand-off between them.

Izuku quickly wrote down all the things he was noticing about the two heroes in his notebook. One being the fact that Mt. Lady should really posing so indecently, there are children in the audience after all. After the fight ended, Izuku quickly booked it to his school and into class. Once he made it to his seat, our home room teacher was announcing jobs to employ in. Kacchan then boasted about being the only one to become a top hero, etc etc.

"Typical Kacchan", Izuku thought. That was until the oblivious teacher asked if I was going to apply to U.A. as well. "Welp, I'm going to die today. Sorry mom, didn't even make it to high school. I leave all of my All Might memorabilia with you. You can sell them to pay for my funeral.", Izuku hid behind his hands but not before he noticed Kacchan giving him a death glare, snarling at the mouth. After school ended, Kacchan did what you would expect. He promptly, blew up Izuku's notebook and told the greenette to kill himself and maybe get a quirk in his next life. You know, the usual.

As Izuku was making his way home, it only got worse. He was crossing underneath a bridge while still lost in his thoughts, the greenette didn't notice how the cover of the sewage pipe started moving. How out came a dark green sludge villain that looked like it came out of some b-listed comic, (In this case I guess a manga) until it was too late. The sludge enveloped Izuku's body in slime and started choking him.

"Well, I think this is the second time today I think that I am sure to die. What's with my luck? If it weren't for my extra toe joint, I would have thought my quirk is bad luck. Did I piss off the universe somehow? It should be concerning how quickly I accept my fate. Eh, must come from the lack of a father figure in my life. Well, life was good while he had it. Izuku wasn't able to become a hero but at least Kacchan gets his wish."

As he was fading from consciousness Izuku suddenly felt air in his lungs. All he heard before he hit the ground was 'I AM HERE'. When Izuku awoke he saw a strange sight. It was hard to process at first but he noticed how this stranger had All Might's iconic hairstyle and All Might's signature smile and laugh. No doubt about it, even out of costume, anyone could realize that this was All Might.

Before Izuku could start hyperventilating though, All Might stood up and the hero fanatic soon followed. The greenette started to sputter out some gibberish about how he was meeting the All Might but before he could humiliate himself any further, the hero laughed off Izuku's awkwardness and asked if the boy was alright. Izuku nodded and, being the nerd that he was, immediately went for his notebook to ask for an autograph only to find All Might's signature on the first blank page.

While squealing in delight, Izuku bowed multiple times to All Might and thanked him again and again for everything. As All Might was taking his leave, Izuku made a choice that would change his life forever. If it was a good choice or bad choice has yet to be seen.

Sorry to leave off on a cliffhanger, but it was too good to resist. I hope that this was any good cuz this is my first fic. I have big plans for this fic and I hope you guys will stick around for the ride. If anyone sees any errors in the writing then if you could please point them out bc I always appreciate constructive feedback. Thanks for reading my weird fic. (Sorry if I wrote it weird but once we get back to the present, the writing will be better. And sorry for breaking the 4th wall, someone call Sero for the flex tape.)

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