Chapter 3

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Izuku was frozen stuck in the suspense, holding his breath. He couldn't believe what was happening. 'What is this thing, am I hallucinating?' The being slowly backed away until it was a few feet away.

Izuku wanted to call the cops but he didn't even know if this thing was real. Izuku didn't know how this was even happening. But no matter how bizarre this whole situation was, he couldn't bring himself to cry. Maybe his tears finally ran out, they probably did with how much he cries all the time.

The greenette started to walk away again, to try and escape his twin because no matter how much he wished it, Izuku couldn't possibly stand his own against this thing. As he walked a step away, the being came one step closer. He took another step away and again the twin took another step. Izuku was close enough to the door to make a dash for it and that's just what he did.

As he ran down the steps, the thing continued to follow him almost diving towards Izuku to keep up. When the greenette finally reached the bottom of the stairs, he quickly exited the building and tried to run home and escape. Occasionally looking back to see if the being was still following him.

Izuku turned a corner, running into people on his was but too frightened to care. Though when he looked back, no one took notice of his clone following close behind. As he tried again to lose the being in the crowd, he noticed smoke coming from nearby and the sound of pandemonium in the distance. In that flashing second, Izuku made his decision. Turning of course, Izuku ran in the direction of the chaos while his twin shadow pursued him.

When Izuku finally arrived, he saw a huge crowd of people surrounding a devastating scene. Seeing flashes of a disgusting dark green, Izuku knew immediately what was happening. 'The slime, the one that tried to kill my body earlier. How is it here? Didn't All Might store him away in those-'

Realization hit Izuku like a bus, but before he could dwell on it he felt a shiver roll up his spine. As the greenette tilted his head to look back, he saw that the thing he had been running from was now one inch away from his face. The being's empty eyes and intimidating grim frown would be forever printed in his mind.

Only seeing one way to escape, Izuku fled into the crowd. As he made his first ay to the front, he finally saw the extent of what he had done. Fire spread everywhere like vibrant overgrown weeds and the smoke was as suffocating as an iron grip at his throat. In the middle of the chaos, he saw the slime trying to invade a person's body like he did to him just a few hours ago. As the person turned, he finally got to see the poor victim's face.

'KACCHAN! That's Kacchan! How is it that I always cause pain to those around me. What is WRONG with me? WhyamIalwayssuchaDEKU-'


Izuku was such a wonderful host. He always had a large stock of negative emotions to feed off of. As Izuku's inner demon, they thrived off of their host's fear and sadness. Most of the latter being caused by they themselves. Ever since they had first been created inside of Izuku's mind, they loved how they were given the best possible host to live off of. Quirkless, bullied and even abandoned his own father, their host had the best possible circumstances for them to take advantage of.

As Izuku grew up, they fed off of all the sadness and negative emotion that Izuku had suffered and in turn given their host an optimistic attitude about life without suffering through the full brunt of his sadness and despair. Some would say it was a one sided deal but they didn't mind.

In all honesty, they didn't really care about Izuku's mental state or happiness. As long as they got their fill they were fine with whatever came. At least until they able to gain enough energy to finally leave Izuku's body and wreak havoc on mankind.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2019 ⏰

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