Chapter 2

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As All Might was getting ready to blast off into the air, Izuku saw his whole life flash before his eyes. The day he was diagnosed as quirkless. The day his mom gave up on him. The day Kacchan stopped being his friend and today, the day the same friend told him to kill himself. When all of those horrible things happened to him, he didn't give up. Eventhoughyouknowthateveryonewouldbebetteroffwithoutyou.Allyoueverdoisruinpeople'slives,youshouldgiveupandsaveeveryonethetroubleofhavingtoputupwithyouuselessfuck- He instead promised himself that he would seize any chance he could get to be a hero and prove them wrong. So in that moment Izuku decided he couldn't pass up this chance.

He quickly latched onto the hero's leg, closed his eyes and braced himself for one hell of a ride. As they flew into the air All Might didn't notice the extra weight till he looked down for a place to land. He at first the blonde told the boy to let go but after thinking about it, the hero decided it would be better to just land.

When they landed, All Might immediately berated the greenette for his idiotic idea. He could have fallen a thousand foot drop and the blonde would've been oblivious. As he was about to scold the boy more, his form deteriorated and he went back into his original form. Izuku flinched in surprise and stared, mouth agape, at the confusing sight.

His idol, the number one hero, turned into a meth-addict looking hobo. The boy went into denial, 'No, this can't be right. All Might doesn't look like this in real life. The number one hero doesn't HAVE any weaknesses! This must be a dream. A dream fueled by too much soda and anime. I wonder if I pinch myself hard enough I can-'

Before he could continue his mental rant, All Might interrupted, "This is not a dream Young Man, and yes I am All Might. Though I do understand, this form is a little... off-putting." 'So not a mental rant', Izuku started to sputter some apologies about his utter rudeness and horrible comments. Youutterwasteofspacelookwhatyoudidthistime,insultthetophero.Ibethealreasyregretssavingyourweakass- All Might raised his hand and the muttering/thoughts stopped. "It's ok Young Man, I've received worse comments about this form in the past before." He then lifted his shirt, showing the gruesome scar that has plagued him ever since that day. "I received this injury 5 years ago, it destroyed my respiratory organs. The only reason I'm still active is because of quirks today and some of the best doctors in the world.. I can only be All Might for 2-3 hours depending on the situation. ", All Might explained.

Izuku looked at his hero in a new light, who knew the smile that saved thousands, gave hope to those who had none, and even inspired him aweakdekuwhohasnofriendsandwillneveramounttoanything- that he could be a hero, was just an illusion. Everything was starting to fall into place, the shorter amount of time the top hero was patrolling, the rush to get away, and the fear that he saw in the hero's eyes when they were in the air. Ofcourseyouhadtoruineverything,it'sallyourgoodforanyway-

All Might then asked why Izuku followed him all the way out here, snapping the greenette out of his depressing thoughts. After that world shaking revelation, he completely forgot about the question he wanted to ask. With shaking knees and watery eyes, Izuku looked up and into the haunting gaze of his hero. He opened his mouth but he couldn't make a sound.

All Might sighed and started to make his way to the roof's exit. Before he could make it there though Izuku finally blurted out, "Can I become a hero without a quirk?" All Might stopped suddenly mid-step, turning his face to look at the trembling teen. "To be completely honest, no.", the hero stated with absolute certainty.

Izuku's world crumbled, his eyes blurred and his knees gave out. He tuned out everything to white noise, ignoring the blonde saying they were other professions that he could pursue that could still save lives. 'All I ever wanted to do was to be a hero. I never thought about being anything else. Helping people was the only thing that has kept me motivated in life. Without it what is my purpose? Sure, there are other professions but both aren't able to prevent people from getting hurt. Now I'm left with no real purpose to keep getting up when I'm pushed down or to plaster a smile on my face when things aren't okay.'

Throughout his mental breakdown he didn't notice All Might leaving though the exit. He didn't notice how his breathing became erratic and how he somehow curled up in fetal position. Rocking back in forth his panic attack quickly escalated until he couldn't even breathe. YoualwaysknewthatthiswasthetruthIzuku,howcanyousaveothersifyoucan'tevensaveyourself.Youmightaswelldieatthispoint,yourmomwouldprobablynotevenmissyou,youuselesslittleshit.YouDEKU-

The voices only got louder until they just stopped. Izuku looked up startled by the sudden stop. He looked around, not seeing anything suspicious. The boy sighed, 'Maybe they are right, I'm not helping anyone by living. If I'm dead though at least Mom could stop working so hard and finally stop worrying over me.' Izuku looked off to the roof's edge, and started walking over to it.

As he looked over the edge, thinking about all of the times Kacch- no, Bakugo, told him to just stop existing. Up until now, he would never even consider the thought but for the first time in his life, the thought only brought a sense of peace. He looked up at the sun which was slowly sinking below the skyscrapers. He always thought sunsets were symbols of new beginnings, the teen reached out trying to touch the sun from beyond the railing. Slowly climbing over it and reaching further out. Izuku took a deep breath and put one foot forward. 'To new beginnings', was his last thought.

Before unimaginable pain, it was like a sucker punch. Making him fall backwards and back behind the railing. He started rolling around in pain, feeling wetness come from his eyes. He wiped his eyes as the pain began simpering out. The greenette opened his eyes, the pain went from feeling as if he was burning alive to feeling like a dull ache. His vision was blurry at best and it was like his eyes were spilling ink instead of tears. He tried to wipe his eyes but then he felt the liquid come from his nose as well. Izuku started to go into a full panic, trying to stop the ichor from completely choking him.

It only got worse, he felt it come from his throat as well. Soon the black ichor was coming from all the orifices on Izuku's face. The greenette started choking and soon it seemed this was how he was going to die. 'What is up with me and the traumatic death situations. At least this time I'll finally die, no heroes around to save me now.'

Before he lost total consciousness, he was able to spit out the last of the ichor. His nose and eyes stopped running as well. Laying on the floor, in a pool of black ichor, made Izuku think that today might just be a really convincing nightmare. Until the black ichor moved. It squirmed in front of him and it started to form something. Izuku was really questioning his sanity at this point. It formed into a twin Izuku but colored only black. After it stopped moving, Izuku stood up and reached a hand out to the being.

The moment he touched it, the thing screamed. It wasn't a normal scream, it was like millions of voices were coming from one mouth, the being's form started to distort. Izuku tried to back away from it but he accidentally stumbled and fell. Before he could fall flat on his ass, the being stopped screaming and grabbed Izuku's arm. The thing pulled the greenette back up and Izuku swore that even though it didn't have eyes, the thing was looking straight at him. The twin did the most unexpected thing Izuku could thing of.

It smiled.


That's all folks! Thanks for reading and if you see any mistakes plz point 'em out. Sorry again for the cliffhanger. I'm planning on posting a chapter at least once per week but things happen so you knows. If you are confused about the different voices here's a guide.
'This is a thought'
"This is dialogue"
This is when a word is stressed

At the end or beginning I'll put an author's note. Hope this helps.
(Btw if you need a mental image of what happened to Izuku, it's basically like what happens in Billie Eilish's 'When the party's over' music video.)

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