Rena (Episode 4)

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Going through that entire experience a second time was unbearable, the mere thought of the feeling of her torn heart getting worse and worse was a nightmarish experience in itself. She feared she'd be in an infinite loop of heartbreak, healing only to get worse from before each time. What Ume needed was a friend. However, this may prove to be impossible, as odds are heavily against communicating with friends. Especially the way Ume stormed out of the classroom, the last people she wants to see is her classmates, probably out of anxiety. Ume painfully reached for her TV remote, her body had felt so numb that extending her limbs was painful. She turned on her TV, covered in her blanket cuddled with Phan Phan in her lap. She had been watching Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures, though her heart was still raging, a little comedy calmed her enough to not act out what her heart was feeling.

The next day, it was a Kiiroday

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The next day, it was a Kiiroday. Someone knocked on Ume's door again, Ume didn't open it, she didn't trust anyone anymore. The door slowly opened, as it opened Ume's eyes directed her gaze at the door as if she was waiting to ferociously attack the person coming through. A black high heel boot entered the door. Fortunately, it was Rena Akihisa, Ume's childhood friend. Seeing Ume sitting there in the corner, with cuts on her wrists and arms, her destroyed phone on the floor in the other corner, and upon looking at her eyes, Ume had looked like she was tormented so bad that she looked exactly like a demon. Rena closed the door behind her and sat down next to her "dead" friend on the bed and laid next to her. The comforting energy emanating from Rena told Ume that it's okay, I'm here for you. Rena comforted Ume by holding her to her breasts, stroking Ume's head, allowing Ume to let her tears run. Ume hugged her so tight, the grip would kill a normal person, but Rena had a body resilient enough to withstand a grip that hard.

(Kiiroday is this world's equivalent of a Saturday.)

When Rena didn't hear from Ume for days, the first thing she did was go to Ume's "boyfriend

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When Rena didn't hear from Ume for days, the first thing she did was go to Ume's "boyfriend." She walked up to Adonis the very next morning after the day Ume disappeared. Adonis refused to say a word to her and left. This left Rena displeased and grew suspicious. Rena had apprehended and interrogated Adonis during lunch hour, she found a blindspot away from security cameras that she lured Adonis to and dragged him underground. Rena took his phone, read through all of his text messages and saw that he had a line of girls in his inbox with Ume's inbox near the bottom, her messages that were never replied to but ended in an endless line of apologies from Adonis. Rena thought of destroying his phone, but instead, she hacked his phone, she hacked it in a way where if he were to contact Ume through it again, the phone would explode with the energy force of 10 million gigawatts and the destructive range of 5 feet, as to say If you ever come near her again, I'll kill you. This was the safest way Rena could get to Adonis without getting suspended. Being the smartest in the class, someone had to take extra notes to help Ume catch up with her missed work, so Rena couldn't afford suspension.

 Being the smartest in the class, someone had to take extra notes to help Ume catch up with her missed work, so Rena couldn't afford suspension

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As Rena comforted Ume, she kept crying and saying how much she missed Adonis. Rena only told her honestly from her own experience: "Never go back to the one who played you... He'll just find new ways to hide it from you...". Ume didn't really miss Adonis, she just misses the Adonis she imagined, the facade he placed in her heart. She desperately wished for that Adonis to come back into her life, but sometimes the imagination just stays imaginary and fades away. Rena held onto Ume for hours, she even spent the night with her. The softness of Rena's breasts served as the perfect pillow to ease Ume's stress and worries, she got somewhat of good sleep from them. Her top priority is protecting Ume. Rena had wiped the dry tears off of Ume's face as she slept, and even bathed her when she woke up as well as fixed her hair and fed her, though Ume was very reluctant to eat, like trying to get a child to eat her vegetables and cleaned up her room which was left a mess after clothes were thrown everywhere. Almost as if a mother were caring for her baby, Rena was always the mother-figure type of person, despite her dark appearance.

Rena had an idea that could hopefully get Ume out of the negative space that is her dorm room, or rather, the academy grounds as a whole

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Rena had an idea that could hopefully get Ume out of the negative space that is her dorm room, or rather, the academy grounds as a whole. She decided to take Ume out to a place known as Starfux 64, a coffee place with the motto is "Cope with your depresso with our espresso." Ume was very unwilling to leave the darkness that had consumed her, but Rena figured to play psychologically by pretending to leave, getting dressed and walked towards the door, knowing Ume would beg her to stay because she doesn't wanna be left alone. After Ume whispered to herself "Don't leave..." indicating that she didn't want Rena to hear her beg. Rena, of course, heard Ume's silent cry for help as she was listening in for it. Rena understood the I push people away but then I hate myself for it psychology. Rena had said "Come on..." with her back turned to Ume. "Let's go have fun..." she said to Ume. Ume, looking at how powerful Rena's stance and confidence was, Ume felt as if she was in safe hands and took Rena up on her offer and left with her.

 Ume, looking at how powerful Rena's stance and confidence was, Ume felt as if she was in safe hands and took Rena up on her offer and left with her

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"Next Episode: Boys..."

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