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The next morning I woke up and Vic wasn't next to me, but I heard the shower running so I figured it was him. I can't remember the last time I had slept so well. Last night was kind of perfect, you know, minus the aggressive client. Falling asleep with Vic was the perfect part. It was getting really hard to ignore this crush I have on him when he acts all sweet and affectionate like that. But I wasn't going to complain. If he likes kissing and cuddling then that's okay with me. He's been like that since the start so it's not like it's anything new.

I rolled over onto my side and closed my eyes, feeling a little sleepy again. My whole body felt so relaxed. Time meshed together as I felt myself slowly dozing off, but I was awake again when I felt arms wrap around me from behind and a kiss was placed on my neck. I could smell the soap mixed in with his usual scent. I smiled and kept laying there, pretending I was asleep. He trailed his fingers along my arm and then he settled them over my hand before relaxing next to me again.

I guess in the back of my mind I knew this wasn't how a boss and his employee should act, but in the front of mind I knew this was just the type of person he was and I bet he would be like this with anyone else who was in the same situation as me. Like, we're having sex every day. It's only natural to get affectionate with each other. But I knew by the way he kept talking about business that that's all this was. It was just business.

"I know you're awake." He teased.

"No you don't." I mumbled. He chuckled and pulled at my shoulder so I turned over and onto my back. He smiled down at me before leaning in and kissing my neck slowly. I have to admit I was a little disappointed to see that he was already clothed.

"Good morning." He said and kissed my neck again, sending a warmth through me

"Good morning to you too." I said. He kissed my cheek and then my lips quickly before laying next to me again. A moment of comfortable silence past by until I heard the sound of a doorbell. I gave Vic a questioning glance and he just moved away from me, sighing and rolling onto his back.

"Who's that?" I asked, being nosey.

"Remember yesterday when I said I had a plan B?" He asked.

"Yeah..." I said, feeling a little worried.

"Well plan B just got here. Go and have a shower and stuff. I'll be back soon." He told me, sounding like a business man once again. He got out of bed and left the room. I sighed and got up too. I left his room and went into my own because I felt like I'd be invading his privacy if I used his bathroom, then again there isn't much privacy at all between the two of us now.

After showering, brushing my teeth, and getting dried, I wrapped the towel around my hips and left the bathroom to go and find some clothes, but instead I saw Vic and someone else standing in the room talking. I had interrupted their conversation and they stopped talking when they saw me.

"Kellin, you remember Jaime, right?" Vic asked. It took me a second for it to register in my brain who he was, but then I remembered he was who I thought was the boss the very first time I went to the club. But what was he doing here now?

"Yeah, I remember." I said.

"Hey." Jaime said and gave a friendly smile. I said hey back and looked to Vic again, waiting for him to explain how exactly Jaime is plan B.

"Jaime here is one of my most trust-worthy friends, so I figured to get you used to having sex with other men, it might be best to start you off with someone who I know won't hurt you..." He paused and he looked like he was thinking about something, probably the same thing I was thinking about; yesterday with Tony. He snapped out of it though and continued speaking, "In addition, I'll be staying in the room to...supervise, I guess."

Get The Sheets Messed Up (Kellic) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now