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The look on Vic's face was a mixture of devastation and looking like he was going to be sick. He hated me, I know he did. I stood there, frozen, just watching him. He looked like he was struggling to breathe. He took a couple of steps back and sat on the bed, putting his head in his hands and swearing. I needed to fix this somehow because Vic could be in a lot of trouble if he lets it slip that we've been sleeping together. I turned back to officer Elmakias.

"Okay, you caught me. I used a fake I.D, but luckily we never had sex so no harm done, right?" I asked. The officer sighed.

"I'm going to need to take you both down to the station for questioning, and to call your parents." He told me. My heart stopped at the mention of my parents. They were the last people on Earth that I would want to know about this.

"Do we really have to call my parents?" I asked. Officer Elmakias nodded.

"Yes, it's procedure. Now are you both going to come downstairs willingly or do I need to handcuff you?" He asked. I looked at Vic who stood up, not acknowledging my presence at all.

"No handcuffs necessary." He spoke in a quiet voice. He walked straight out of the room and officer Elmakias motioned for me to follow. It took a moment for my body to catch up with my mind and then I was out of there too, following them both down the hall. There were other police here too, questioning people, although none were getting arrested. I guess Vic was right and they are careful about not getting caught out. Unfortunately for him though, he wasn't expecting a sixteen year old to mess things up.

I feel horrible for lying, but this whole prostitution thing was the only way that I could make money so I needed to pretend that I was eighteen so I could do it. I didn't think anyone would find out so I didn't think it was that big of a deal. And I definitely didn't want anyone to get hurt, especially Vic. I knew that all it would take is one slip up and he'd be in jail in a second.

Officer Elmakias took us down stairs and outside, directing us to separate police cars. Of course he would separate us so it didn't give us a chance to make up a story. Hopefully Vic was paying attention to the lies I told just then so he'd be able to stick to the same story I'm telling.

The ride to the police station was long and nerve wracking. I felt sick to my stomach, well not as sick as Vic must feel. I can't believe how much I've screwed everything up. I really didn't want anyone to find out my actual age. If Vic gets into trouble for this I'll never forgive myself.

The police car I was in got to the station at the same time that Vic's did. He didn't even glance at me as we walked up to the building, or when we were or the lobby, and not even when we were led down the hall together and into separate rooms. I sat down at the table by myself and the cop told me that he would be back in a little bit. I guessed he was going to go and talk to Vic first. I would do anything to be in that room, just to get some sort of idea of what he's thinking or feeling. I hated not knowing. All I do know is that he's probably never going to want to see me again. I'll be kicked out of his house and I'll be back to living on the streets. I know my parents won't want me back. I don't even know what they're going to do when they find out what I've been up to. They'll probably throw holy water on me or something.

I was waiting there for kind of a long time and the longer I was there, the more anxious I got. Finally the door opened and in walked my mother. I knew I'd be seeing her or my father tonight because I needed to have a parent present while talking to the cops, but it was still a little bit of a shock to see her. She came over to me and frantically engulfed me in a hug.

"Oh Kellin, your father and I were so worried about you." She cried. All I could think was what the hell is going on? She wouldn't be worried one bit. She's the one that kicked me out of home. She's the one that wanted nothing to do with me. I was practically the devil to her. Officer Elmakias came in after her and closed the door.

Get The Sheets Messed Up (Kellic) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now