《2》Helping You《2》

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The next few days were nothing special, Dipper making his way to what used to be the Mystery Shack, using his minor magical abilities to help with small tasks and then fixing the rest by hand. He wasn't going to bother with the upstairs, in fear the old creaky floor would collapse in on him, but the downstairs was the very least presentable.

He now sat, sketching out a map of the woods from what his younger self could remember. It would come in handy when it came to dealing with the creatures that lurked in Gravity Falls. Just as he began to finish his phone went off in a familiar jingle. He already knew who it was, having put a special ring tone on for the specific business partner.


"Mason," the static voice responded, a hint of amusement playing in his voice.

"Gleeful, I know you aren't calling me just to see how I'm doing."

He sighed, "If you're wondering about the list, yes, I have it. Now say thank you."

"How about fuck you, and give me the list over text because I sure as hell don't want to see your face." Before Gideon could answer Dipper hung up, rolling his eyes.

He continued making out the makeshift map, which would probably end up being wrong. Unaware a certain pest was sneaking his way in.

Gideon squinted his eyes at the screen. That call went well.

He sighed dejectedly, snapping a picture of the list he'd made and sending it to Dipper.

"Stupid Mason.." He slid his phone back into the pocket of his khakis.

It was nice to have his teenage obsession back, but his teenage obsession was gone, replaced by a suave businessman with an amazing lean body and shoulder-length hair. He didn't even hide his birthmark.

Another thing bothered him, what the hell had happened? Dipper used to adore paranormal, albeit he wasn't thrilled the very last time he had come, but he still had the love.

Gideon shook thoughts of Dipper from his mind. He didn't care about him, not anymore, probably never did.

Dipper yawned, finally deciding to scrap the idea of turning the odd forest landscape into a map. He checked his phone, seeing the text message from Gideon and the time.

12:48 am

He sighed, plugging his phone in at the charger at his desk the twisting around.


"Pinetree, darling." The demon had a shit-eating grin on his face that made Dipper want to punch him. More than he already did.

Could Dipper explain why he hated Bill? No, nothing other then the irrational idea that it was Bill's fault he was back. And the fact he had left him first.

Dipper's eyes narrowed at the dream demon, strong arms crossed over his chest. "Well, is there anything you want Cipher or can you leave now?"

Bill's rage finally festered up, one too many rejections making his brain go fuzzy. "Pinetree! You insufferable brat, just look at me like you used to!"

Bill barely noticed that he had grabbed Dipper's arm and was holding it tightly. He quickly removed it noticing the red mark on his arm.

"I don't think I can Cipher."

"Pinetree I--"

Dipper threw on his coat and left before the demon said another word.


It was cold outside tonight, cold enough that in the small light that was Dipper's phone flashlight, it would fill up with his breath every time he exhaled. But he didn't care as long as it didn't snow, though he was a little underdressed for the weather even then.

He had paused before entering the woods he was now roaming, slightly worried about getting lost. But in the end, his desire to get away from Bill moved his feet forwards.

Cold air continued to nip at every part of his body he left uncovered from the cold, which was the entirety of his face and the hand that was holding his phone.

Eventually, he found himself getting more sluggish. The cold always made him sleepy. He had barely grasped the fact snow was slowly gliding down.

Once he did notice though he quickly turned around, attempting to get to the shack as quickly as possible. In hindsight that wasn't a good idea, to begin with, but when a tree root-- which he had sworn wasn't there before-- tripped him up he quickly toppled to the ground, his phone flying a foot away into the snow.

Thank god it's waterproof.

He tried to wipe off the watery mud that stained his jeans but to no avail. He'd deal with the skin bitting pain then.

He became aware his phone wasn't in his hands again and walked over to it, crouching down to make sure it was okay. He sighed, moving the flashlight to see it, standing about 20 feet away and it's shaped in his vision. Whatever it was. He had never seen it before and if he had it must have been buried in the deepest corners of his memory because he couldn't easily forget such a foul-smelling creature.

He felt himself cry out, but he didn't hear it. That meant no one else did either. But a voice came, seemingly from the beast, "Dipper, come on I haven't seen you in forever... let me get a good look." That was Mabel's voice. But there was no way Mabel was here. So that creature.


Wendigo. Made sense, it was cold which is when they're said to lure around, just in the wrong area but this IS Gravity Falls anything goes. He didn't think about it too much longer because the beast had grown closer still echoing his sister's voice.

Dipper quickly tried to turn, the thing looked sluggish maybe he could outrun it. Then the fatigue set in. Damn the cold.

He feels back into the snow and not long after a hot breath was against his neck. He squeezed his eyes shut but the inevitable possession or being eaten never came, instead, he was wrapped in a warm, sweet-smelling blanket and gently lifted from the ground.


Dipper found himself fully registering what was happening after he had been set by the shacks heater. He blinked looking up to see a worried Bill, who was trying to hide said worry.

He didn't want to say anything, so he just closed his eyes and relaxed. Yelling could come later, for now, he was tired and his 17-year-old self wanted this moment to last.

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