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During the holiday's James did not get the chance at all to speak with Elodie since she was always being hogged by his family

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During the holiday's James did not get the chance at all to speak with Elodie since she was always being hogged by his family.

She was practically apart of the families since becoming best mates with Fred, which seem to strangely irk James, unknowingly.

Upon returning back to Hogwarts, he decided it was finally the chance, knowing his cousins and siblings would be busy in school to take the opportunity for him to speak with her away.

Though, as usual, Elodie was making it a challenge for him, making it a goal to avoid running into him.

After nearly giving up, he found her alone in the halls," Elodie!" Upon calling on her, she tried to pick up her pace, but since James was in quidditch, it was remotely impossible for her to outrun him.

He had a tight hold on her wrist, not enough to bruise her, but enough to restrain her from escaping, "No—hold on, why have you been avoiding me? Or more of the fact, why did you reject me. I am pretty confident you had fun on the date"

"Wow, you are full of yourself Potter" Elodie snorted casually trying to pull her wrist from his hold," I'm not going to lie, it was fun, but why should I agree on another date?"

"Isn't that the point? I mean are you satisfied with just one date?" He lowered his hand slowly from her wrist but keeping his guard in case she tried to run.

"Excuse me? Satisfied? Are you really suggesting that it's required to have another date just because I enjoyed the first one? Come on James, you must be joking" Elodie countered with a bit of sass in her tone

"I don't get you Elodie!" James raised his voice getting frustrated," First you ask me out on a date—you have fun, then reject me, and you have been making it a goal to avoid me"

"That's fine by me because there is nothing to get. I asked you on a date—What do you expect? For me to suddenly just fancy you, and want there to be more?!"

"So, it was just for amusement?"

Elodie sighed running a hand through her hair," Is that what you think? Is it because I'm a Slytherin? That I find enjoyment in people's sadness? Because come on Potter, why can't you just deal with the rejection?"

"It had nothing to do with you being in Slytherin" James quickly defended that case," I just can't get my head around why you gave me some insight of fun with you, only to never experience again"

Elodie kept her face blank as she clapped her hands slowly," And there we have it" He looked at her confused as she let out a bitter laugh

"Now do you see it, Potter? Do you see how all those girls felt? You led them on, you played with their hearts, but you see maybe it's not enough since you and I don't see each other like that, but if you think of every single girl you had taken for granted, only to leave them with feelings that will never be returned. Just imagine, how painful it was for them"

"So, asking me out was just to prove a point?"

"Oh, don't give me that Potter" Elodie stated," I did not lead you on, I did nothing of the sort, really, maybe this little trial can make you see those two years of building this reputation of being the school playboy, will only get back at you"

He just stared at her taking in her words, even if she had a point Elodie still felt somewhat guilty on how she came out too strong. She did not despise James at all, just his horrid way of playing with those girls.

"Look" Elodie started," You probably want nothing to do with me after all of this, but just because I pointed this all out doesn't mean I hate you. In fact, I wouldn't mind hanging out sometimes, if you wanted—not a date, but you know as friends?"

"Friends?" James looked at her suspiciously

"I mean you got to admit, it was fun, I can't lie about it, it's not possible for me to even fake my enjoyment that day. Maybe it's asking for a lot, but you know, you are actually fascinating but not in the sense of romance, but as friends"

"How do I know this isn't another one of you trials or whatever?"

Elodie chuckled folding her arms," Okay I deserved that suspicion , but I proved my point already. I really have nothing over you expect for the whole playing with girls' part. Over that, like Albus mentioned, I can see you are not a bad guy under all of those rumours"

James just looked at her for a moment and sighed," Why is it impossible to actually be mad at you?"

"I don't know" She shrugged smirking at him," I guess I am just so damn loveable"

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