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"The sexual tension between you and James is intense" Blake sang annoyingly as he sat next to Elodie in the Great Hall

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"The sexual tension between you and James is intense" Blake sang annoyingly as he sat next to Elodie in the Great Hall.

Albus made a face at the words making him cringe," Gross, can you not? He is my brother"

"Awh, little Potter are you embarrassed?" Blake teased patting his head, only to get it smacked away.

Elodie looked at Blake making a face," What did you say about me and James?"

Blake snorted leaning on his palm," Love, since the year started, you to have been constantly staring at each other—Everyone can so totally see it by the way, so remind me again why you two are not together?"

"Not this again" Elodie muttered looking back down to her meal

"I mean come one Ellie~ I can see you both obviously fancy each other—it's so painfully obvious" Blake whined shaking Elodie playfully only making her grumble in response.

Scorpius who was minding his business—meaning staring at a certain someone interjected," I thought you two got back together" He pointed to the pair of them

"What?" Both said in sync

"Yeah, it's pretty much what everyone has been saying" The Malfoy nodded making the pair of them share a look and break out into laughter. He leaned over to his best mate who was trying his best to just eat his meal and not attract attention," Did I say something funny?"

"No, just ignore them—I do it" Albus whispered lifting his book to his face.

Elodie stood up making Blake tilt his head," And where are you off to?" She looked at him and smirked," For me to know, and for you to find out"

"Off you go" Blake huffed waving his hand," Not like you'll actually tell me anyways"

"You are learning" Elodie pat his head playfully walking away chuckling under her breath. She went through one of many secret passages behind the tapestry's in the corridors, only to walk straight into a back.

"I know you can't get enough of me El, but seriously now"

Elodie pulled back narrowing her eyes at the male before her," Don't let me Accio a broom and whack you with it again Potter"

"They are meant for flying not hitting" James looked at her offended," Respect it"

She rolled her eyes running a hand through her hair," Why did you want to meet up exactly?" She craned her head looking at him.

"What? I can't just have a reason to hang out with you?" He folded his arms smirking

"Nope" She quickly answered making his face fall

"Why do you make this so difficult?"

"Because you are easy to mess with James" Elodie grinned looking at him," And I like this over being all—

"Lovey Dovey" He mocked in a high pitch making her slap his chest

"I do not sound like that!"

James leaned forward slightly bending to be her level "Yeah you do"

She rolled her eyes shifting her weight on one-side "What did you want to talk about?"

"How long are we going to wait to tell everyone?" James asked slowly

"About us?" She questioned as he nodded

"Well, I thought you said you wanted to wait until someone noticed, but if you want to tell people, I'm not stopping you" Elodie explained

"But do you want people to know?"

Elodie smiled grabbing his hand," James I don't care if they know or not, you know this"

"But—what if people target you again?" James asked worriedly

She snorted patting his hand with her other one, leaning forward placing a soft kiss on his lips," You think I can't handle my own?" She then smirked," Let's Spite them if they are so set on trying something" He let out a laugh shaking his head, reconnecting their lips.

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