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10 minutes earlier

Fengyue Seth and Tangli Seth arrived at Sunny Hotel .

"Master , Second Master , you are here " said the manager . He was extremely nervous when Tangli informed him that they will come by after they hear Zhang Feng was there . He often see Tangli in meetings but Fengyue rarely come in person that he really got a lot of rumor that said he was a ghost monster turnout their boss is such an outstanding and handsome person ! Gah , would never trust rumors again !

Fengyue signaled Tangli to speak with the manager .

" So you said you saw Zhang Feng and the girl he bought here , where are they ? " Tangli speaks in a serious tone since Fengyue is observing him like an eagle . Ugh , so scary !
"Yes , second master , Zhang Feng booked that same room and our receptionist saw the girl going up few minutes ago . I think she was really forced coming here . Her face looked pale like she was in verge of tears . " The manager explain slowly .

"Then why you didnt save her or did something ? " Tangli raise his voice since he knew Zhang Feng is such a disgusting old man . Poor that girl .
"Well , you know how Zhang Feng is , even if we threaten him with a police , he wouldnt even budge , so we cant do anything too . "

Fengyue sighed from behind . He walked away and said "Lets go" .

Tangli still confused until he saw Fengyue walked towards elevator , "ahh going to the room " . He looked at the manager , " You better pray that girl is safe and sound or else my bro will explode with his eagle glare , ughh I hate that " . Tangli running towards Fengyue " Bro ! Wait for me"
The manager stood there and thought by himself "I'll die" .

In the elevator .

Fengyue reached his phone and texted something .


Eagle Bro : Check the cctv and investigate the girl background immediately .

Tangli read the text Fengyue sent to him . He looked at Fengyue , " Seriously , bro , I am just beside you , and you have to text me , tcch tcch . "

Fengyue glared at him and texted again .

Kring ~

Eagle Bro : DO IT NOW !

Tangli gulped . " Fine bro , you win , you always win "

The elevator open up and they both hurriedly go to the room . 1706 . "This is it Bro , lets just barge in ! " Fengyue pick up the card and realized that the handle was covered with blood . Tangli also realized that and got shocked , " B..Bro , uhm I think you should see that the floor was also covered with blood . " Fengyue cant wait any longer , he hurriedly open the door and get in . They both feel weird since there is literally nobody in there until they hear the sound of water . They go to the bathroom and got shocked when they find Zhang Feng lying there unconcious . " Bro , what happen here ? Whats with the blood and wheres the girl ! " Tangli asked his brother hurriedly .

Fenyue looked at Tangli with his eagle eye again . Ughh okay , whats that look , brother ?! Im scared right now ! Then Tangli heard his phone ring . " Hello , who the hell is this ! Ruining the atmosphere and also my damn mood ! " " Ughh Second master , this is me , I just want to told you that the cctv showed the girl was going up to the rooftop earlier .... " " Whatttt !!! Rooftop ! " Tangli hang up over the phone . " Bro , she's gone to the rooftop ! " Tangli can catch his brother said "damn it " while running over outside of the room . Did my brother just curse ? What the hell !

Kring ~

Eagle brother : Take care of Zhang Feng ! Also that girl background ASAP !!!

Ughh he still can give me this message even when he's gone so hurriedly . Tangli sighed and look at unconcious Zhang Feng . What am I gonna do with you ?


Kyla closed her eyes already imagining she will be die and met her foster mother there but then she didnt felt any pain at all . She felt weird as if she's still on the ground and not dead .

Fengyue barely breathing . He said in a small voice luckily I make here in time or else I will lose you , Kyla Vienn .

Kyla open her eyes and realized she lied on a man . So thats why I didnt felt any pain . Why ? Why did he saved me ? She tried to make a second attempt but Fengyue didnt let go of her and still held her .

" Look , I know you are devastated , I didnt know what that old man did to you , but with the look of your dress and face , you must have been forced to meet him right ? I know what kind of person he is . I already take care of him so please dont do something like this . " Fengyue didnt realize he has been talking to Kyla when he really doesnt talk to people even with his family .

The earnest look Fengyue gave her make her cry again ..

" I didnt even know who you are . Stop talking like you know what kind of life I had ..... "

" I know . You are an orphan . Your foster dad make you meet him right ? That kind of dad doesnt have the right to be your dad . Why are you trying to kill yourself ? This is not the way you solve it . That man didnt deserve your precious life . And I'm Fengyue , I own this hotel so I wont let anyone hurt you in my hotel ."

" So that means you are rich right ? You can told me not to kill myself because you can buy anything and settle anything with money . Even if I can run from that old man , I cant run from my dad . If he knew I make that old man faint , he will beat me or even rape me ! Whats the point of living anyway ? " The tears cant stop running . She thought she can escape this hellish world but then suddenly this man save her and make her has to confront with this world again ! Why ?!

" You shouldnt have saved me in the first place ... " Everything becomes dark suddenly ... Kyla fainted !

Fengyue catch her before she falls and worriedly call her name .
" Kyla ! Kyla ! Kyla Vienn ! Wake up ! "

Fengyue just realized Kyla lost a lot of blood . He forgot about it when he sees Kyla tried to fall off the building .

Whats wrong with you ? Why are you look at me with those sad face ? Why my heart hurts when I see you like this ?

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