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Fengyue patiently waited for the doctor to come bring him the news about Kyla . They have been in the  emergency room for about half an hour . Afterall , since he's the CEO of Seth Corporation , all of the best doctor suddenly lined up to him to save Kyla . He think it does not necessary to have all the doctor for one patient so he just chose one of them and told him to treat Kyla ...

He was so panicked when Kyla fainted earlier that he didnt notice that he had been in a mess and even left Tangli alone to deal with Zhang Feng . All he think about right now is the condition of Kyla . Her eyes when she look at him , her desperate voice when she said he shouldnt save her , her dress , her wound , blood .... everything make Fengyue feel like he's not himself . Looking at Kyla make his chest hurt and make him wonder why such a beautiful girl had to suffer this kind of thing and ....... what's wrong with him ?

30 minutes later

Finally , the doctor who is in charge of Kyla come out of ER to talk to Fengyue . The doctor kept looking at somewhere else as if he scared and nervously trying to speak with Fengyue .

"Errr , Mr President ? " Fengyue look at him with the same cold look .

Fengyue sighed and ask the doctor " What about her ? "

" Miss Vienn is suffering from PTSD and loss of blood that was why she's fainted . We suspect that she has been abused since her childhood since there's a lot of bruises and red scar from her body . "

Fengyue look shocked and he look more angry after the doctor told him about abused . How can a father abused his daughter and even sell her to a trash ?!

The doctor continued explaining to Fengyue " At this state , we have to watch over her for a few days since her condition might be worst after her relapse . So I need her guardian to sign some documents . Do you have their contact information , Mr President ? "

Fengyue think for a while . Her guardian ? Her foster father is the one who abused her and sold her out ! She even tried to kill herself because of that man ! If the hospital try to call him , that girl will get scared again .

" There's no need for that . Show me the way ! I will be signing those documents and move her to the VIP room . " Fengyue instructs the doctor and walk all the way to the counter .


Fengyue look at the girl who has been fainted over a few hours . She looked pale and she even looked tiny compared to the women in her age . Eventhough her body is full of scars , it looks like her abused father didnt touch her face . Weirdly , he think that the girl is quite pretty with her shiny hair .

" Ughh , what am I thinking about ?! " Fengyue touched his hair and sighed again .


The door open forcefully . Tangli gasp watching his brother who's character is so cold towards women but now he looks warm towards a stranger ...

" Brother ! How come you're still here ? And also how can you leave me alone with that damn pervert ! You didnt care about me , bro .... " Tangli pitifully talking about his situation with Fengyue .

" Shut up ! " Fengyue glared at Tangli like an eagle hawk . How come Tangli is such a big mouth ?

" What about that thing ? " Fengyue asked Tangli .

" Uhmm , thing ? Oohhhh , ofcourse I already did it ! " The thing that Fengyue mention must be when his brother told him to investigate the girl's background . Why does his brother has to do this much for a stranger by the way ?

" Her name is Kyla Vienn . She was actually an orphan . She was adopted by Vienn's couple when she was 5 . Actually , Mr Vienn was not this crazy back then . Mrs Vienn died when this girl turn 13 . Since then , he's been abusing this girl . Well , from what I know , he also locked this girl in their home . Nobody has ever seen this girl going out except when her father sold her out for money and this is not the first time she hurts herself , she's done this so many times to avoid from those men that touched her . Ughhh , such a pitiful girl . What do we do now , brother ? We cant let her bastard father came right ? "

Upon hearing Kyla's part of life , he has been holding his fist so tight . He doesnt know why but it feels like someone stab him with sword when he hears those story .

" For now , tell someone to observe that man . I cant let him hurt her . "

" Okay .... " Wait ! Since when his brother talk so much ? Am I dreaming ?!


Its hurt ! Everything's hurt ! What is this ... ? Why is everything so dark ? Someone , save me , please !!

Kyla suddenly wake up from her nightmare !

She open her eyes and realize there were two men here ... " Who ...... "
Why is it so hard to speak ?! Why my voice didnt come out ?

Tangli realized Kyla's subtle movement . " Bro ! That girl .. she's awake ! "

Fengyue moves her body to watch Kyla . He holds her hand . " Are you okay ? "

Kyla doesnt know what to do . Why does this man touched her hand . Who are they ? " Who ... Are you .. "
She's been trying to speak but her voice didnt come out , why ?!

Tangli moves closer to the bed to see her . " Miss Kyla , are you okay ? Why didnt you speak ? "

I want to ! I want to ask who are you ! But why .... My voice ? She's struggling so hard to speak . But still , nothing comes out . She pull her hand from Fengyue's touch . She slap her chest for a few times , but still , nothing ! She slap her cheeks and still !

Fengyue watch Kyla's act and hold her sternly . " What are you doing ?! Stop it ! Dont hurt yourself , stop it ! Tangli , call the doctor now ! "

Whats wrong with this girl ?!

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