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the sun

it's always there when

we wake up in the morning.

it's brighter & hotter

in the afternoon.

it sets just before dark.

we know it's there,

yet we don't pay attention 

to it that much.

we always complain

about how hot it is;

or how it hurts our

eyes when it's there

we always see the things

the sun does that greatly

affects us

but we don't see its true beauty

we don't see how it rises,

how it shines brightly,

how it reflects,

how its rays shine through the glass,

how it gives us this warm feeling;

and how it sets

we often forget the simple things

that make the outside world

beautiful and

the sun is one of them

it's the light to

every darkness

and the light we last see 

before it gets dark

it is also a symbol

a symbol of hope

that reminds us that

there'll always be a

brand new tomorrow

to correct all the mistakes

we made today.

* * * *

Written on: July 21, 2019

Note: don't forget the simple things x

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