Time's Up
It's time to stop this.
It's time to stop loving you,
To stop begging you to love me back,
To stop coming back to you whenever I leave,
To stop impressing you,
To stop caring about you,
To stop thinking about you and,
To stop wondering if you're thinking about me.I can't believe I stopped loving myself
Just to love youI can't believe I thought that,
"The search for true love"
Was over when I met youBut now that our relationship
Is on its end,
It's time for me to correct my mistake:
By settling down with someone
Who isn't like you and
They were right-I shouldn't have made you my world,
Because it stopped being mine
The moment you came in.Enough of that.
Your time's up.* * * *
Written on: December 23, 2019
PoetryThis is a collection of poems and prose that I've written so close to my heart.