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Quick decisions are unsafe decisions.

I've never liked surprises. I hate being the last to know something, I suffer from a strong case of FOMO (fear of missing out). What should have been a dinner with my surrogate family, plus Carly, turned out to be one of the worst surprises of my life.

"Hi Mrs. McGregor." I smiled and embraced Finn's mom as I entered her kitchen. I did my best to make myself look presentable before heading to their house for dinner. I had on some plain sweat pants and a fitted black v-neck shirt. It was as formal as I was willing to get. But had I known what was waiting in the kitchen for me I would have at least slipped on a pair of my mother's leggings.

"Beckett, sweetheart! Are you ready for your last first day of school?" Mrs. McGregor was cheesy in a way that made you feel warm. She was the kind of mom who asked you how your day was and eagerly wanted to know.

"I'm definitely ready to get it over with. I personally feel like high school is holding me back from reaching my full potential." If I didn't have to spend 8 hours a day at school I could be focusing more of my attention on things that matter.

Finn's mom chuckled as if I was being anything other than serious. She handed me a basket of fresh biscuits. This is the type of family Finn comes from, the biscuit making, how as your day, matching outfit kind of family. "Can you bring these to the table for me? Dinner is ready we were just waiting on you." The kind of family that waits on you before breaking bread. Family dinner at my house consisted of me pouring a bowl of cereal to eat in my room since my mom usually works night shift.

I turned the corner from her kitchen reaching the living room to head to my normal seat at the table when I noticed an extra seat pulled up, and none other than THE August Jenson occupying the seat next to one of the only open seats left at the table. I instantly started biting the inside of my cheek. A nervous habit that my mom says makes me look extremely unattractive.

Is it wrong for me to take Mrs. McGregor's seat? My feet refused to move and as my eyes danced from Finn to Carly expertly skipping August before landing on Mr. McGregor. Finn and his dad had the same gentle face, but his dad had laugh lines permanently carved next to his eyes and mouth. I wondered how happy you have to be and for how long to earn those.

His blue eyes met mine. I hate the color blue. "Beckett! Come sit!" Much to my dismay, Mr. McGregor pointed to the seat next to August instead of the empty sweat next to his 6 year old sister Ameila. I took my place setting the biscuits on the table and tried to remind myself to breathe.

I felt August's eyes on the left side of my face and Carly's burning into the right. I reached for a biscuit and stuffed one in my mouth to distract myself. I felt I could melt for two different reasons under the weight of their stares. "Let's eat," Mrs. McGregor said before taking her place at the table.

If I can get through 30 minutes of conversation without making a fool of myself then I can leave.  Everything was smooth sailing, Carly wasn't throwing digs, I even had my cheek biting under control and was no longer blushing every time August looked at me. But of course something must always rock the boat.

Amelia sat up in her seat and began pushing her peas around her plate as if there was something stuck on her mind that she couldn't decide if she wanted to share. Finally she threw her fork down, "What are nudes? I mean I get when you have no clothes on you're nude. But it's plural, so it is like when a bunch of people get naked together?"

My head snapped in Amelia's direction and I could feel my laugh building from the back of my throat. Mrs. McGregror was choking in embarrassment while the rest of the room was a choir of laughter.

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