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So I pick the world up and I'ma drop it on your f—kin head

-Lil Wayne

It's mind blowing how a tiny spark can ignite and burn down an entire forest. How something so small and seemingly harmless can level an entire ecosystem. I couldn't put my finger on what was truly fueling the fire inside of me but it was pushing me out of my comfort zone. Urging me to be the villainous vixen that emerged in moonlight. That powerful creature that would stare back at me behind the mirror.

Fires can be beautiful, enchanting even. They burn away the old and in the ash new life emerges. But they can be scary too, sucking all the air out of a room and trapping you into a corner until it's too late.  Until it gets to the point that your either waiting to suffocate or waiting for a savior.

Even if you sit and watch a fire grow you can miss the moment it becomes uncontrollable. How then, do you put it out?

An icy stare was enough to shut up some of the people murmuring about me in the hallway, but it could only get me so far. When I reached Mrs. Winter's history class I felt a wave of relief wash over me. I sat down next to Finn but he didn't so much as turn his head to acknowledge me.

Which was fine, I didn't want to talk to him either, I just needed him to be there. August rushed in and I watched his eyes scan the room before landing on me. He gave that toothy smile and started to move in my direction.  I didn't necessarily want him next to me, but my brain couldn't think faster than he was walkingenough on how to tell him.

"Yo Beckett," my attention had been so focused on August I didn't even notice Marcus slide into the room. Marcus patted August on the shoulder while subsequently pushing him out of the way. "Excuse me man." Then took the empty seat next to me as if he could read my mind.  August smacked his teeth then sat down in front of us next to Jordan.

It was almost like I had a fort of guys surrounding me as a layer of protection from any harm that was going to come my way. Little did Marcus know him taking the seat from August was protecting me from enemies both foreign and domestic.

I leaned over to whisper a thanks before Marucs pointed to Finn. "So what was that earlier?"

Honestly I wish I knew. I shrugged, "I'll tell you later." I stole a glance at Finn but his eyes were trained to the door. I was looking so hard I was starting to form shapes out of his freckles. Carly walked in, and if it was possible Finn sat up even straighter in his seat i could see the tension in his shoulders.

I watched Carly's eyes dart between the two of us before she sat down next to Finn. A tiny, very miniscule, part of me felt bad for Finn but a greater part of me hoped he would sweat through his seat and his eyes would burn from all the straining he was doing to not look at me.

Why isn't it enough for him to just tell Carly to lay off me. I was here before her and I would be here long after her. Is it wrong of me to be pissed that Finn wasn't doing more for me when it came to Carly? Boys are dumb, maybe he needs me to tell him what i need.

The best thing about having class with my guys was no one said a word to me. There were plenty of eyes darting in my direction all of class but no words were thrown in my direction. A few unwanted glances came from Jordan and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. It's like he's never seen boobs before.

When the bell rang the guys followed my pace at collecting our belongings so that we could head to lunch. "Beckett, can I have a word with you?" I froze in the doorway at the sound of Mrs. Winter's voice. When teachers ask such a question is it really a choice? Can I just say no thank you and go to lunch under the protection of my friends?

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