Twenty Two

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"Somebody's in trouble. Awh, here it goes."


"You did what?" My mother came busting through the front door. She was off entirely too early. I'm assuming she received a call about my suspension and cut work early to come rushing home to me. "You have got to be kidding me wait until you father hears about this."

The threat sent a chill through me. It's not like my father could do anything to me but the thought of his disappointment always shook me. My mother and I had made a pack to never let my father find out about my impromptu porno. Apparently, my suspension, although aftermath of said porno was not a part of the pact. I sat up straighter on the couch at the threat. "Honestly, mom, is that really necessary?"

The facial expression she gave me let me know fully well she thought it was beyond necessary. "Your room now!" I fought the urge to roll my eyes as I left the room. How can you punish a kid for defending themselves? What is wrong with this world? Why are parents so unjust! As soon as I had sat down the phone rang. I didn't have to do much guess work as to who it was.

My mother's voice carried through the crack of my door so I could hear her fully complain to my father about how unruly I had been recently and that I was not the daughter she worked so hard to raise. True to her word she still hadn't mentioned my leaked nudes, she did however let him know I was at the center of chaos and food fights.

She pushed my door open and held the phone right to my face and delivered the ultimate blow, "Your father wants to talk to you."

I couldn't help but look at the phone like it was a gun. With hesitancy I took it. "Hey dad." I took a deep breath waiting to hear his voice in my ears.

"Pickles?" Ok he wasn't mad enough to use my real name. "I want you to be honest with me. I know I can't do much, but I would feel better if you would just tell me what's going on."

"Nothing's going on Dad I swear." Other than I have fully launched a career in nudity and tips, literally nothing is going on. "There's just this girl at school who hates me dad. She does literally anything she can to make my life hard." I went on and on about Carly and her attempts to belittle me whiling leaving out incriminating evidence. I even told him how I delivered the final blow of a pudding cup to her head that lead to my suspension.

"You hit her in the face?" I hummed in response to my father's question. There was a slight pause before he responded again. "That's my girl!"

I continued to laugh and talk with my dad when my cell phone buzzed. I glanced at the screen and quickly  read q message from Finn. There was an emergency meeting in the tree house that night and it was all men on deck. "I love you, Dad. I got to go."

"I love you too Pickles. And if your mother asks, I reprimanded you ok?"

My dad put in overtime to be my favorite parent. It was never in vain.


It wasn't long in the evening when my mother was knocked out in her room. She had tired herself out lecturing me on how I needed to be more responsible and that I needed to think before I acted. I had been grounded for a week the same duration of my suspension. Ironically I had never been grounded before so I don't think my mother had punished me correctly.

She didn't actually list what I wasn't allowed to do while on punishment. She took my phone but not my laptop. She didn't actually hand out restrictions on when I could leave the house either. It was kind of a perk to have a small circle of friends. My mother only knew of my friendship with Finn and since she had spoken to his mom and found out he was grounded too she didn't even restrict me from handing out with my friends.

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