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I want you off my mind....and on me.


There is always a motivating force within us. Depending on how the wind blows our conscious sways whether it leads to a good choice or one we will regret. No matter what, in the moment it's always worth it.

Every summer my family and Finn's used to take a joint family vacation to the beach before my father got locked up. Finn loved playing in the sand, but I loved the feeling of getting swept up in the ocean waves. There's always an incline in the ocean floor where the sand drops beneath your feet. My mother would warn me not to travel further than my feet could plant securely and evenly into the ground.

I never listened.

I always felt a rush balancing myself on my toes to keep my head above water. Bits of sand would rub against my big toe to heed warning of threatening water ready to sweep me away. The thrill of being scooped up and carried off in a wave was always enough to let myself wander. The feeling was indescribable floating atop incoming waves.

When my mother wasn't being a worry rat, she would let me take a boogie board into the water. I could lay flat, balancing my body perfectly, then gently ride waves back to shore. The combination of excitement and pleasure it would bring me was always enough to keep me running back into the water to go it again.

And again.

And again.

That's exactly how I felt the moment Finn opened his mouth to speak. "Ry..." His thoughts must have been moving faster than his mouth could formulate, or too slow, since all he got out was part of my name. The feeling of his eyes washing over my exposed skin peeking behind the robe sent waves crashing throughout my body. He glanced at his open bedroom door before meeting my eyes again.

I did the same before crossing the room and shutting and shutting it. The window of opportunity to change my mind was closing swiftly and it was then or never.

The light click of the door locking under my fingertips solidified my decision. With my back still to him I let the silk robe drop around my shoulders. With a quick glance back at him I let the robe fall to the floor. The skin it graced on the way down tingled in anticipation.

In a low whisper Finn let out an exasperated, "shit," putting heavy emphasis on the beginning of the word. Despite the confidence it gave me I felt my cheeks heat.

The cheeky lace two piece left almost nothing to the imagination. Knowing the look he would give me when I turned around was enough motivation to do so. Although I usually needed to watch myself to enjoy it, Finn as an audience was enough to take me over the edge. I felt a jolt of energy pulsate in my lower stomach.

Something about it felt so raw, exciting even standing nearly naked in his bedroom. Needing the security and confidence moonlight gave me I hit his light switch killing the light above us. All that was left to guide my path was the dim light on his nightstand.

Finn sat back in his bed placing his back to his headboard. As I approached the excitement dancing in his eyes felt like an oncoming wave. He didn't know where this was going but I was excited to ride it out.

Climbing almost painfully slow onto his bed I threw my leg over his so I could sit straddling him. Almost instinctively his hands found my waist. The light touch of eight of his fingers in my back and his thumbs caressingly my sides caused goosebumps to line my arms.

Taking a deep breath I realized I've never felt so powerful, so in control of my sexuality. I was a force to be reckoned with and by the end of the night Finn wouldn't know what hit him.

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